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Chu, H., Luo, X., Ouyang, Z., Chan, W. S., Dengel, S., Biraud, S. C., Torn, M. S., Metzger, S., Kumar, J., Arain, M. A., Arkebauer, T. J., Baldocchi, D., Bernacchi, C., Billesbach, D., Black, T. A., Blanken, P. D., Bohrer, G., Bracho, R., Brown, S., Brunsell, N. A., Chen, J., Chen, X., Clark, K., Desai, A. R., Duman, T., Durden, D., Fares, S., Forbrich, I., Gamon, J. A., Gough, C. M., Griffis, T., Helbig, M., Hollinger, D., Humphreys, E., Ikawa, H., Iwata, H., Ju, Y., Knowles, J. F., Knox, S. H., Kobayashi, H., Kolb, T., Law, B., Lee, X., Litvak, M., Liu, H., Munger, J. W., Noormets, A., Novick, K., Oberbauer, S. F., Oechel, W., Oikawa, P., Papuga, S. A., Pendall, E., Prajapati, P., Prueger, J., Quinton, W. L., Richardson, A. D., Russell, E. S., Scott, R. L., Starr, G., Staebler, R., Stoy, P. C., Stuart-Haëntjens, E., Sonnentag, O., Sullivan, R. C., Suyker, A., Ueyama, M., Vargas, R., Wood, J. D., Zona, D.
Large datasets of greenhouse gas and energy surface-atmosphere fluxes measured with the eddy-covariance technique (e.g., FLUXNET2015, AmeriFlux BASE) are widely used to benchmark models and remote-sensing products. This study addresses one of the major challenges facing model-data integration: To what spatial extent do flux measurements …
Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 301-302: 108350 (2021), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108350 Sites: CA-ARB, CA-ARF, CA-Ca1, CA-Ca2, CA-Ca3, CA-Cbo, CA-DBB, CA-ER1, CA-Gro, CA-Let, CA-Man, CA-MR3, CA-MR5, CA-Na1, CA-NS1, CA-NS2, CA-NS3, CA-NS4, CA-NS5, CA-NS6, CA-NS7, CA-Oas, CA-Obs, CA-Ojp, CA-Qc2, CA-Qcu, CA-Qfo, CA-SCC, CA-SF1, CA-SF2, CA-SF3, CA-SJ2, CA-SJ3, CA-TP1, CA-TP3, CA-TP4, CA-TPD, CA-WP1, US-A03, US-A10, US-A32, US-A74, US-ADR, US-AR1, US-AR2, US-ARb, US-ARc, US-ARM, US-Aud, US-Bar, US-Bi1, US-Bi2, US-Bkg, US-Blk, US-Blo, US-Bn1, US-Bn2, US-Bn3, US-Bo1, US-Bo2, US-Br3, US-CaV, US-Ced, US-CF1, US-CF2, US-CF3, US-CF4, US-ChR, US-Cop, US-CPk, US-CRT, US-Ctn, US-Dia, US-Dix, US-Dk1, US-Dk2, US-Dk3, US-EDN, US-Elm, US-EML, US-Fmf, US-FPe, US-FR2, US-FR3, US-Fuf, US-Fwf, US-GLE, US-GMF, US-Goo, US-Ha1, US-Ha2, US-Hn2, US-Hn3, US-Ho1, US-Ho2, US-Ho3, US-IB1, US-IB2, US-Ivo, US-KFS, US-KLS, US-Kon, US-KS1, US-KS2, US-KUT, US-Lin, US-Los, US-LPH, US-LWW, US-Me1, US-Me2, US-Me3, US-Me4, US-Me5, US-Me6, US-MMS, US-MOz, US-Mpj, US-MRf, US-MtB, US-Myb, US-NC1, US-NC2, US-NC3, US-NC4, US-Ne1, US-Ne2, US-Ne3, US-NGB, US-NR1, US-Oho, US-ORv, US-PHM, US-Pon, US-Prr, US-RC1, US-RC2, US-RC3, US-RC4, US-RC5, US-Rls, US-Rms, US-Ro1, US-Ro2, US-Ro5, US-Ro6, US-Rpf, US-Rws, US-SdH, US-Seg, US-Ses, US-SFP, US-Shd, US-Skr, US-Slt, US-Snd, US-Sne, US-Snf, US-SO2, US-SO3, US-SO4, US-SP1, US-SP2, US-SP3, US-SRC, US-SRG, US-SRM, US-Srr, US-Sta, US-StJ, US-Syv, US-Ton, US-Tw1, US-Tw2, US-Tw3, US-Tw4, US-Tw5, US-Twt, US-Uaf, US-UMB, US-UMd, US-Var, US-Vcm, US-Vcp, US-Vcs, US-WBW, US-WCr, US-Wdn, US-Wgr, US-Whs, US-Wi0, US-Wi1, US-Wi3, US-Wi4, US-Wi5, US-Wi6, US-Wi7, US-Wi8, US-Wi9, US-Wjs, US-Wkg, US-Wlr, US-Wpp, US-WPT, US-Wrc, US-xBR, US-xCP, US-xDL, US-xHA, US-xKA, US-xKZ, US-xRM, US-xSR, US-xWD
Chu, H., Baldocchi, D. D., Poindexter, C., Abraha, M., Desai, A. R., Bohrer, G., Arain, M. A., Griffis, T., Blanken, P. D., O'Halloran, T. L., Thomas, R. Q., Zhang, Q., Burns, S. P., Frank, J. M., Christian, D., Brown, S., Black, T. A., Gough, C. M., Law, B. E., Lee, X., Chen, J., Reed, D. E., Massman, W. J., Clark, K., Hatfield, J., Prueger, J., Bracho, R., Baker, J. M., Martin, T. A.
Aerodynamic canopy height (ha) is the effective height of vegetation canopy for its influence on atmospheric fluxes and is a key parameter of surface‐atmosphere coupling. However, methods to estimate ha from data are limited. This synthesis evaluates the applicability and robustness of the calculation of ha from eddy covariance …
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 45: 9275–9287 (2018), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/2018GL079306 Sites: BR-Sa1, BR-Sa3, CA-Ca1, CA-Ca2, CA-Ca3, CA-Cbo, CA-ER1, CA-Gro, CA-Man, CA-NS1, CA-NS2, CA-NS3, CA-NS4, CA-NS5, CA-Oas, CA-Obs, CA-Ojp, CA-Qfo, CA-TP1, CA-TP3, CA-TP4, CA-TPD, US-Blo, US-Bn1, US-Bn2, US-Br1, US-Br3, US-Ced, US-CPk, US-CRT, US-Dix, US-Dk2, US-Dk3, US-Fmf, US-Fuf, US-GBT, US-GLE, US-GMF, US-Ha1, US-Ha2, US-Ho2, US-Ho3, US-IB1, US-IB2, US-KL1, US-KL2, US-KL3, US-KM1, US-KM2, US-KM3, US-KM4, US-Me2, US-Me3, US-Me4, US-Me5, US-Me6, US-MMS, US-MRf, US-NC1, US-NC2, US-Ne1, US-Ne2, US-Ne3, US-NR1, US-Oho, US-Prr, US-Ro1, US-Ro3, US-SB1, US-Shd, US-Skr, US-Slt, US-SP1, US-SP2, US-SP3, US-SRM, US-Srr, US-Syv, US-Ton, US-Tw3, US-Twt, US-UMB, US-UMd, US-Var, US-Vcm, US-WBW, US-Wi0, US-Wi1, US-Wi3, US-Wi4, US-Wi5, US-Wi8, US-Wi9, US-Wrc
Helliker, B. R., Song, X., Goulden, M. L., Clark, K., Bolstad, P., Munger, J. W., Chen, J., Noormets, A., Hollinger, D., Wofsy, S., Martin, T., Baldocchi, D., Euskirchenn, E., Desai, A., Burns, S. P.
There are few whole-canopy or ecosystem scale assessments of the interplay between canopy temperature and photosynthesis across both spatial and temporal scales. The stable oxygen isotope ratio (δ18O) of plant cellulose can be used to resolve a photosynthesis-weighted estimate of canopy temperature, but the method requires independent …
Journal: Oecologia, Volume : (2018), ISBN . DOI: 10.1007/s00442-018-4198-z Sites: US-Bar, US-GLE, US-Ha1, US-NWT, US-WBW, US-WCr
Novick, K. A., Ficklin, D. L., Stoy, P. C., Williams, C. A., Bohrer, G., Oishi, A., Papuga, S. A., Blanken, P. D., Noormets, A., Sulman, B. N., Scott, R. L., Wang, L., Phillips, R. P.
Journal: Nature Climate Change, Volume 6 (11): 1023-1027 (2016), ISBN . DOI: 10.1038/nclimate3114 Sites: US-ARM, US-Bar, US-Blk, US-Blo, US-Bo1, US-Br3, US-Dk1, US-Dk2, US-Dk3, US-Fmf, US-FR2, US-Fuf, US-GLE, US-IB1, US-IB2, US-KFS, US-Kon, US-KS2, US-Me1, US-Me2, US-MMS, US-MOz, US-MRf, US-Ne1, US-Ne3, US-NR1, US-Oho, US-SRG, US-SRM, US-Syv, US-Ton, US-UMB, US-Var, US-WBW, US-WCr, US-Whs, US-Wkg
Dennis Baldocchi, Cove Sturtevant
It is necessary to partition eddy covariance measurements of carbon dioxide exchange into its offsetting gross fluxes, canopy photosynthesis, and ecosystem respiration, to understand the biophysical controls on the net fluxes. And independent estimates of canopy photosynthesis (G) and ecosystem respiration (R) are needed to validate …
Journal: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 207: 117-126 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.03.010 Sites: CA-Ca1, CA-Ca2, CA-Ca3, CA-Let, CA-Mer, CA-NS1, CA-NS3, CA-NS5, CA-NS6, CA-NS7, CA-Oas, CA-Obs, CA-Ojp, CA-Qcu, CA-Qfo, CA-SJ2, CA-SJ3, CA-TP4, CA-WP1, US-ARM, US-Aud, US-Bo1, US-Ho1, US-Ho2, US-IB2, US-KS2, US-MMS, US-MOz, US-NC2, US-NR1, US-SO2, US-SO3, US-SO4, US-SP2, US-SP3, US-SRM, US-Ton, US-Tw3, US-UMB, US-Var, US-WBW, US-Wkg, US-Wrc
Wharton, S., Falk, M., Bible, K., Schroeder, M., Paw U, K.T.
The traditional hypothesis that old-growth forests are carbon neutral is under debate as recent studies
show evidence of net carbon sequestration. Here, we present a decade (1998–2008) of carbon dioxide,
water and energy fluxes from an old-growth stand in the American Pacific Northwest to identify
ecosystem-level responses to …
Journal: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 161: 1-14 (2012), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2012.03.007 Sites: US-WBW, US-Wrc
Gu, L., Hanson, P. J., Post, W. M., Kaiser, D. P., Yang, B., Nemani, R., Pallardy, S. G., Meyers, T.
Journal: Bioscience, Volume 58 (3): 253-262 (2008), ISBN . DOI: 10.1641/B580311 Sites: US-MOz, US-WBW
Hanson, P. J., Wullschleger, S. D., Norby, R. J., Tschaplinski, T. J., Gunderson, C. A.
Observed responses of upland-oak vegetation of the eastern deciduous hardwood forest to changing CO2, temperature, precipitation and tropospheric ozone (O3) were derived from field studies and interpreted with a stand-level model for an 11-year range of environmental variation upon which scenarios of future …
Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 11 (9): 1402-1423 (2005), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.00991.x Sites: US-WBW
Hui, D., Wan, S., Su, B., Katul, G., Monson, R., Luo, Y.
Missing data is a ubiquitous problem in evaluating long-term experimental measurements, such as those associated with the FluxNet project, due to the equipment failures, system maintenance, power-failure, and lightning strikes among other things. To estimate annual values …
Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 121 (1-2): 93-111 (2004), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/s0168-1923(03)00158-8 Sites: US-Dk3, US-NR1, US-WBW
Matamala, R., Gonzalez-Meler, M. A., Jastrow, J. D., Norby, R. J., Schlesinger, W. H.
We commend Luo et al. (1) for their effort to extend the analysis of our data (2) …
Journal: Science, Volume 304 (5678): 1745d-1745d (2004), ISBN . DOI: 10.1126/science.1099340 Sites: US-Dk3, US-WBW