AmeriFlux Logos
These logos are suitable for print or web, have transparent backgrounds, and easily re-scale (png, about 100kb). Alternative layouts for vertical (text under) or horizontal (text to right).
AmeriFlux Network—use for AmeriFlux Network and Community activities
Download zip file for AmeriFlux Network logos, print quality
AmeriFlux Management Project—used by AmeriFlux Management Project team members
Download zip file for AmeriFlux Management Project logos, print quality
AmeriFlux Acknowledgments
Those who use AmeriFlux Network data for their research are strongly encouraged to acknowledge both the site principal investigators who contributed the data they use, and the support that the AmeriFlux Network data processing and archival receive from the U.S. DOE. Suggested acknowledgment:
We acknowledge the following AmeriFlux sites for their data records: site IDs. In addition, funding for AmeriFlux data resources was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.
Users of AmeriFlux Core Site data should acknowledge U.S. DOE support using this language:
Funding for AmeriFlux core site data was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.
AmeriFlux core site affiliates who receive support from the AmeriFlux Management Project should acknowledge U.S. DOE support using this language:
Funding for this AmeriFlux core site was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science.
Team members of the AmeriFlux Management Project should acknowledge U.S. DOE support using this language:
Funding for the AmeriFlux Management Project was provided by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.