Site status definition for service eligibility

This page defines criteria that an AmeriFlux site needs to meet to be eligible for different AMP services. Criteria are based on (1) site operating status, (2) site active status, and (3) site team responsiveness status.

1. Operating site

Definition: Flux measurements are being made at this site, according to BADM Site General Info.

2. Active site (this is about the tower)

Description: Operating and data-publication status is in good standing (i.e., data published or a new site)

  1. Operating AND
  2. One of the following:
    1. Published BASE for data collected within past 3 years OR
    2. Measurements started within the last three years OR
    3. Exception approved (e.g., an embargo approved)

3. Responsive/Participatory (this is about the Site Team)


  1. PI or team member responds to queries by AMP (within approximately 3 months) AND
  2. PI or team members have confirmed/updated the site’s SGI BADM in the past 2 years.

Table 1. Eligibility for Services

Tech Support: site visit (in person)✅ Active
✅ Responsive
✅and have published data
Tech Support: site visit lite (processing review)✅ Responsive
✅and have submitted data
Tech Support: loaner instruments / calibration cylinders✅ Active
✅ Responsive
Tech Support: Rapid Response SystemFulfill RRS loaner agreement
✅ PI is responsive to AMP (giving confidence we can resolve questions and issues)
✅ Published BASE processing version 2 or higher
ONEFlux-Ready✅ ONEFlux-Eligible
✅ The required metadata (measurement heights + variable information) have been validated.
✅ The required flux-met variables are in BASE

How to determine if a site is operational

See FLUX_MEASUREMENTS group in your site’s Site General Info BADM, especially FLUX_MEASUREMENTS_DATE_END. These variables are defined here:

Sites that are operating will have at least one group without a FLUX_MEASUREMENTS_DATE_END value for groups measuring CO2 or CH4.

How to confirm or update your site’s Site General Info BADM

Web SGI online editor:<site_id> 

Note: Replace site ID with actual site ID. Can be as simple as editing existing TEAM_MEMBER info without any changes and clicking save.