The Tech Team conducts site visits across the AmeriFlux network to maintain data quality, ensure data inter-comparability, and share technical expertise. The Tech team brings a carefully calibrated portable eddy covariance system (PECS) to AmeriFlux sites, where a side-by-side comparison is conducted. PECS deployments typically last between 10-14 days. Site visits are normally scheduled during the growing season (April-September). The Tech team targets 8-10 site visits per year.
A list of all past site visits is now available. You can also view this information as a map.
Request an AmeriFlux Site Visit
The Tech Team welcomes invitations from AmeriFlux sites. To request a site visit, fill out this online form.
What to expect before, during, and after a site visit
- Months prior to visit
- Sites visits planned and selected during winter (Dec-Feb)
- Initial contact – gauge interest/availability, discuss possible date ranges;
- Follow-up – confirm dates;
- Send site visit questionnaire (including request for recent data).
- Logistics planning
- Tech Team arranges lodging and transport options;
- All costs of visit are covered by the the AmeriFlux Management Project.
- Sites visits planned and selected during winter (Dec-Feb)
- 1-2 weeks prior to visit
- For site staff:
- Ensure site access and normal site operations (data, power, communications, etc)
- Confirm access and login credentials to AmeriFlux webpage.
- For Tech Team:
- Ship equipment (10-16 large cases, 500+ lbs)
- Contact staff and confirm arrival and site access dates/plans;
- Fall protection permit (if necessary);
- Check weather;
- Rent appropriate vehicle.
- For site staff:
- Upon arrival
- Meet site staff;
- Pickup equipment, purchase supplies;
- Calibrate gas analyzers:
- Will usually occur the day prior to setup;
- Prefer lab setting to conduct calibration, if available.
- Bench top and power outlet required.
- Setup day
- Meet site staff at site;
- Discuss site safety and rules;
- Site orientation;
- Discuss AmeriFlux setup plans:
- Minimize interfering with site operations/instrumentation;
- Find optimal location for PECS instruments;
- Tech Team can usually complete installation in a single day;
- After setup complete, Tech Team will document and photograph.
- During visit
- Tech Team remain local for duration of visit:
- Monitor PECS and ensure data continuity;
- May collect ancillary measurements to report to Network;
- Assist with BADM and variable information entry;
- Available for consulting with site staff.
- Mid-visit comparison
- Preliminary data comparison between systems will be conducted and shared with site staff;
- Valuable opportunity to identify issues and resolve prior to end of comparison.
- Tech Team remain local for duration of visit:
- Take down day
- Tech Team may request site staff assistance;
- Post-visit calibration of gas analyzers will be conducted;
- Tech Team will arrange transportation and shipment of equipment (but assistance always appreciated).
- Post visit – data sharing
- Files should include headers, units, metadata;
- Description of processing steps, algorithms, and corrections applied. Don’t assume we know.
- Do not gap fill data.
- 30 minute processed data:
- Fluxes, covariances, correction terms;
- Statistics (mean, variance) for high frequency variables;
- Meteorological, radiation, ancillary data.
- High frequency data:
- Tech Team will conduct independent data processing;
- Shared folder can be provided (i.e. Dropbox).
- Tech Team report
- Site visit reports shared with site staff (and no one else):
- Provide key recommendations;
- Extensive comparisons, analysis;
- Site benchmarked against cumulative record of site visits;
- Tech Team data available upon request from site;
- Feedback from site staff requested.
- Site visit reports shared with site staff (and no one else):
Recent visits:
A table of all site visits is available here.
- 2019 Tech Team site visits
- 2018 Tech Team site visits
- 2017 Tech Team site visits
- 2016 Tech Team site visits
- 2015 Tech Team site visits
- 2014 Tech Team site visits
- 2013 Tech Team site visits