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Frank, J. M., Massman, W. J., Ewers, B. E., Williams, D. G.
Sublimation is an important hydrological flux in cold, snow-dominated ecosystems. In high-elevation spruce-fir forests of western North America, spruce beetle outbreaks have killed trees, reduced the canopy, and altered processes that control sublimation. We evaluated two hypotheses related to effects of disturbance on sublimation …
Journal: Water Resources Research, Volume 55 (2): 1598-1623 (2019), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/2018wr023054 Sites: US-GBT, US-GLE
Chu, H., Baldocchi, D. D., Poindexter, C., Abraha, M., Desai, A. R., Bohrer, G., Arain, M. A., Griffis, T., Blanken, P. D., O'Halloran, T. L., Thomas, R. Q., Zhang, Q., Burns, S. P., Frank, J. M., Christian, D., Brown, S., Black, T. A., Gough, C. M., Law, B. E., Lee, X., Chen, J., Reed, D. E., Massman, W. J., Clark, K., Hatfield, J., Prueger, J., Bracho, R., Baker, J. M., Martin, T. A.
Aerodynamic canopy height (ha) is the effective height of vegetation canopy for its influence on atmospheric fluxes and is a key parameter of surface‐atmosphere coupling. However, methods to estimate ha from data are limited. This synthesis evaluates the applicability and robustness of the calculation of ha from eddy covariance …
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 45: 9275–9287 (2018), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/2018GL079306 Sites: BR-Sa1, BR-Sa3, CA-Ca1, CA-Ca2, CA-Ca3, CA-Cbo, CA-ER1, CA-Gro, CA-Man, CA-NS1, CA-NS2, CA-NS3, CA-NS4, CA-NS5, CA-Oas, CA-Obs, CA-Ojp, CA-Qfo, CA-TP1, CA-TP3, CA-TP4, CA-TPD, US-Blo, US-Bn1, US-Bn2, US-Br1, US-Br3, US-Ced, US-CPk, US-CRT, US-Dix, US-Dk2, US-Dk3, US-Fmf, US-Fuf, US-GBT, US-GLE, US-GMF, US-Ha1, US-Ha2, US-Ho2, US-Ho3, US-IB1, US-IB2, US-KL1, US-KL2, US-KL3, US-KM1, US-KM2, US-KM3, US-KM4, US-Me2, US-Me3, US-Me4, US-Me5, US-Me6, US-MMS, US-MRf, US-NC1, US-NC2, US-Ne1, US-Ne2, US-Ne3, US-NR1, US-Oho, US-Prr, US-Ro1, US-Ro3, US-SB1, US-Shd, US-Skr, US-Slt, US-SP1, US-SP2, US-SP3, US-SRM, US-Srr, US-Syv, US-Ton, US-Tw3, US-Twt, US-UMB, US-UMd, US-Var, US-Vcm, US-WBW, US-Wi0, US-Wi1, US-Wi3, US-Wi4, US-Wi5, US-Wi8, US-Wi9, US-Wrc
Baldocchi, D., Penuelas, J.
Reforesting and managing ecosystems have been proposed as ways to mitigate global warming and offset anthropogenic carbon emissions. The intent of our opinion piece is to provide a perspective on how well plants and ecosystems sequester carbon. The ability of individual plants and ecosystems to mine carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, …
Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume : (2018), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14559 Sites: CA-Man, CA-NS1, CA-NS2, CA-NS3, CA-NS4, CA-NS5, CA-NS6, CA-NS7, CA-Qfo, CA-SF1, CA-SF2, CA-SF3, US-AR1, US-AR2, US-ARc, US-ARM, US-Blo, US-GBT, US-GLE, US-HAR, US-KS2, US-Me1, US-MMS, US-Myb, US-NC1, US-NC2, US-PFa, US-Snd, US-SRG, US-Ton, US-Tw1, US-Tw2, US-Tw3, US-Twt, US-Var, US-WCr
Zeller, K.
High rural concentrations of ozone (O3) are thought to be stratospheric in origin, advected from upwind urban sources, or photochemically generated locally by natural trace gas emissions. Ozone is known to be transported vertically downward from the above-canopy atmospheric surface layer and destroyed within stomata or …
Journal: Journal Of Applied Meteorology, Volume 39 (1): 92-101 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1175/1520-0450(2000)039<0092:WOFAPA>2.0.CO;2 Sites: US-GBT
Zeller, K., Nikolov, N.
Assessing the long-term exchange of trace gases and energy between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere is an important priority of the current climate change research. In this regard, it is particularly significant to provide valid data on simultaneous fluxes of carbon, …
Journal: Environmental Pollution, Volume 107 (1): 1-20 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/s0269-7491(99)00156-6 Sites: US-GBT, US-GLE
Zeller, K., Hehn, T.
High rural concentrations of ozone (O3) are thought to be either stratospheric in origin, advected from upwind urban sources, or photochemically generated locally as a result of natural trace gas emissions. Ozone is known to be transported vertically downward from the above-canopy atmospheric surface layer and destroyed …
Journal: Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 23 (8): 841-844 (1996), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/96gl00786 Sites: US-GBT