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Publications Found: 79

An Interannual Assessment Of The Relationship Between The Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition Of Ecosystem Respiration And Climate In A High-Elevation Subalpine Forest
Riveros-Iregui, D.A., Hu, J., Burns, S.P., Bowling, D.R., Monson, R.K.

We measured the carbon isotopic composition (δ13C) of ecosystem respiration (δ13CR) in a subalpine forest across four growing seasons to examine whether patterns in δ13CR were consistent with those expected based on leaf-level gas-exchange theory, …

Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research, Volume 116 (G2): 1-15 (2011), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/2010JG001556 Sites: US-NR1

Atmospheric Stability Effects On Wind Fields And Scalar Mixing Within And Just Above A Subalpine Forest In Sloping Terrain
Burns, S. P., Sun, J., Lenschow, D. H., Oncley, S. P., Stephens, B. B., Yi, C., Anderson, D. E., Hu, J., Monson, R. K.

Air temperature Ta, specific humidity q, CO2 mole fraction χJournal: Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Volume 138 (2): 231-262 (2011), ISBN . DOI: 10.1007/s10546-010-9560-6 Sites: US-NR1

Seasonal Pattern Of Regional Carbon Balance In The Central Rocky Mountains From Surface And Airborne Measurements
Desai, A.R., Moore, D.J.P., Ahue, W.K.M., Wilkes, P.T.V., De Wekker, S.F.J., Brooks, B.G., Campos, T.L., Stephens, B.B., Monson, R.K., Burns, S.P., Quaife, T., Aulenbach, S.M., Schimel, D.S.

High-elevation forests represent a large fraction of potential carbon uptake in North America, but this uptake is not well constrained by observations. Additionally, forests in the Rocky Mountains have recently been severely damaged by drought, fire, and insect outbreaks, which have been quantified at local scales but not assessed …

Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research, Volume 116 (G04009): 1-16 (2011), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/2011JG001655 Sites: US-NR1

Tree Species Effects On Ecosystem Water-Use Efficiency In A High-Elevation, Subalpine Forest
Monson, R. K., Prater, M. R., Hu, J., Burns, S. P., Sparks, J. P., Sparks, K. L., Scott-Denton, L. E.

Ecosystem water-use efficiency (eWUE; the ratio of net ecosystem productivity to evapotranspiration rate) is a complex landscape-scale parameter controlled by both physical and biological processes occurring in soil and plants. Leaf WUE (lWUE; the ratio of leaf CO2 assimilation rate to transpiration rate) is controlled at short time …

Journal: Oecologia, Volume 162 (2): 491-504 (2010), ISBN . DOI: 10.1007/s00442-009-1465-z Sites: US-NR1

Longer Growing Seasons Lead To Less Carbon Sequestration By A Subalpine Forest
Hu, J., Moore, D. J., Burns, S. P., Monson, R. K.

As global temperatures increase, the potential for longer growing seasons to enhance the terrestrial carbon sink has been proposed as a mechanism to reduce the rate of further warming. At the Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux site, a subalpine forest in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, we used a 9‐year record (1999–2007) of continuous eddy …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 16 (2): 771-783 (2010), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.01967.x Sites: US-NR1

Modeling Whole-Tree Carbon Assimilation Rate Using Observed Transpiration Rates And Needle Sugar Carbon Isotope Ratios
Hu, J., Moore, D. J., Riveros-Iregui, D. A., Burns, S. P., Monson, R. K.

• Understanding controls over plant–atmosphere CO 2 exchange is important for
quantifying carbon budgets across a range of spatial and temporal scales. In this
study, we used a simple approach to estimate whole-tree CO 2 assimilation rate
(A Tree ) in a subalpine forest ecosystem.
• We analysed the carbon isotope ratio …

Journal: New Phytologist, Volume 185 (4): 1000-1015 (2010), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03154.x Sites: US-NR1

A Multiscale And Multidisciplinary Investigation Of Ecosystem–Atmosphere CO2 Exchange Over The Rocky Mountains Of Colorado
Sun, J., Oncley, S. P., Burns, S. P., Stephens, B. B., Lenschow, D. H., Campos, T., Watt, A. S., Monson, R. K., Moore, D. J., Hu, J., Tschudi, M., Schimel, D. S., Aulenbach, S., Sacks, W. J., De Wekker, S. F., Lai, C., Lamb, B., Allwine, E., Coons, T., Ojima, D., Ellsworth, P. Z., Sternberg, L. S., Zhong, S., Clements, C., Anderson, D. E.

A significant fraction of Earth consists of mountainous terrain. However, the question of how to monitor the surface–atmosphere carbon exchange over complex terrain has not been fully explored. This article reports on studies by a team of investigators from U.S. universities and research institutes who carried out a multiscale …

Journal: Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, Volume 91 (2): 209-230 (2010), ISBN . DOI: 10.1175/2009BAMS2733.1 Sites: US-NR1

Soil, Plant, And Transport Influences On Methane In A Subalpine Forest Under High Ultraviolet Irradiance
Bowling, D. R., Miller, J. B., Rhodes, M. E., Burns, S. P., Monson, R. K., Baer, D.

Recent studies have demonstrated direct methane emission from plant foliage under aerobic conditions, particularly under high ultraviolet (UV) irradiance. We examined the potential importance of this phenomenon in a high-elevation conifer forest using micrometeorological techniques. Vertical profiles of methane and carbon dioxide …

Journal: Biogeosciences, Volume 6 (7): 1311-1324 (2009), ISBN . DOI: 10.5194/bg-6-1311-2009 Sites: US-NR1

Controls Over Ozone Deposition To A High Elevation Subalpine Forest
Turnipseed, A. A., Burns, S. P., Moore, D. J., Hu, J., Guenther, A. B., Monson, R. K.

Ecosystem level ozone (O3) fluxes during four different years were examined at a subalpine forest site in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. The local mountain–valley wind system and the proximity of the Denver Metropolitan area leads to high summertime ozone episodes on many afternoons. The timing between these episodes and the ecosystem …

Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 149 (9): 1447-1459 (2009), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.04.001 Sites: US-NR1

A Cable-Borne Tram For Atmospheric Measurements Along Transects
Oncley, S. P., Schwenz, K., Burns, S. P., Sun, J., Monson, R. K.

A system to make atmospheric measurements from a moving trolley suspended by a stretched cable has been developed. At present, these measurements consist of wind velocity, temperature, humidity, and carbon dioxide concentration, though other sensors may be added. The track consists of cable segments attached to turns mounted on standard …

Journal: Journal Of Atmospheric And Oceanic Technology, Volume 26 (3): 462-473 (2009), ISBN . DOI: 10.1175/2008JTECHA1158.1 Sites: US-NR1