
Publications Found: 1373
Multi-scale analyses of solar induced fluorescence and gross primary production
Wood, J.D., Griffis, T.J., Baker, J.M., Frankenberg, C., Verma, M., Yuen, K.

Journal: Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 44: 533-541 (2017), ISBN . DOI: doi: 10.1002/2016GL070775 Sites: US-KCM

Investigation of the N2O emission strength in the U. S. Corn Belt
Fu, C., Lee, X., Griffis, T.J., Dlugokencky, E.J., Andrews, A.E.

Nitrous oxide (N2O) has a high global warming potential and depletes stratospheric ozone. The U. S. Corn Belt plays an important role in the global anthropogenic N2O budget. To date, studies on local surface N2O emissions and the atmospheric N2O …

Journal: Atmospheric Research, Volume 194: 66-77 (2017), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.04.027 Sites:

NDVI derived from near-infrared-enabled digital cameras: Applicability across different plant functional types
Filippa, G, Cremonesea, E, Migliavacca M., Galvagno, M., Sonnentag, O., Humphrey, E., Hufkens,K., Ryu, Y. Verfaillie, J., Morra di Cella, U., Richardson, A.

Time series of vegetation indices (e.g. normalized difference vegetation index [NDVI]) and color indices (e.g. green chromatic coordinate [GCC]) based on radiometric measurements are now available at different spatial and temporal scales ranging from weekly satellite observations to sub-hourly in situ measurements …

Journal: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume : (2017), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Ton, US-Var

Using Data From Landsat, Modis, Viirs And Phenocams To Monitor The Phenology Of California Oak/Grass Savanna And Open Grassland Across Spatial Scales
Liu, Y., Hill, M. J., Zhang, X., Wang, Z., Richardson, A. D., Hufkens, K., Filippa, G., Baldocchi, D. D., Ma, S., Verfaillie, J., Schaaf, C. B.

tThe Mediterranean-type oak/grass savanna of California is composed of widely spaced oak trees withunderstory grasses. These savanna regions are interspersed with large areas of more open grasslands.The ability of remotely sensed data (with various spatial resolutions) to monitor the phenology in thesewater-limited oak/grass savannas …

Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 237-238: 311-325 (2017), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.02.026 Sites: US-Ton, US-Var

Association With Pedogenic Iron And Aluminum: Effects On Soil Organic Carbon Storage And Stability In Four Temperate Forest Soils
Porras, R. C., Hicks Pries, C. E., McFarlane, K. J., Hanson, P. J., Torn, M. S.

Soil organic carbon (SOC) can be stabilized via association with iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al) minerals. Fe and Al can be strong predictors of SOC storage and turnover in soils with relatively high extractable metals content and moderately acidic to circumneutral pH. Here we test whether pedogenic Fe and Al influence SOC content and …

Journal: Biogeochemistry, Volume 133 (3): 333-345 (2017), ISBN . DOI: 10.1007/s10533-017-0337-6 Sites: US-Bar, US-Ha1, US-MOz, US-UMB

Methanogenesis In Oxygenated Soils Is A Substantial Fraction Of Wetland Methane Emissions
Angle, J. C., Morin, T. H., Solden, L. M., Narrowe, A. B., Smith, G. J., Borton, M. A., Rey-Sanchez, C., Daly, R. A., Mirfenderesgi, G., Hoyt, D. W., Riley, W. J., Miller, C. S., Bohrer, G., Wrighton, K. C.

The current paradigm, widely incorporated in soil biogeochemical models, is that microbial methanogenesis can only occur in anoxic habitats. In contrast, here we show clear geochemical and biological evidence for methane production in well-oxygenated soils of a freshwater wetland. A comparison of oxic to anoxic soils reveal up to …

Journal: Nature Communications, Volume 8 (1): 1567 (2017), ISBN . DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-01753-4 Sites: US-OWC

Determining Total Emissions And Environmental Drivers Of Methane Flux In A Lake Erie Estuarine Marsh
Rey-Sanchez, A., Morin, T., Stefanik, K., Wrighton, K., Bohrer, G.

Estuarine freshwater marshes can act as an important ecosystem for carbon storage and flux because of its strategic position in a watershed. We monitored CH4and CO2 fluxes in Old Woman Creek, an estuarine wetland of Lake Erie, Ohio. The eddy covariance (EC) technique was used to measure fluxes of CH4 and CO2 continuously during the …

Journal: Ecological Engineering, Volume in press: (2017), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.06.042 Sites: US-OWC

Modeling Three-Dimensional Forest Structures To Drive Canopy Radiative Transfer Simulations Of Bidirectional Reflectance Factor
Yang, W., Kobayashi, H., Chen, X., Nasahara, K. N., Suzuki, R., Kondoh, A.

Journal: International Journal Of Digital Earth, Volume : 1-20 (2017), ISBN . DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2017.1353146 Sites: US-Prr

Dynamics Of Canopy Stomatal Conductance, Transpiration, And Evaporation In A Temperate Deciduous Forest, Validated By Carbonyl Sulfide Uptake
Wehr, R., Commane, R., Munger, J. W., McManus, J. B., Nelson, D. D., Zahniser, M. S., Saleska, S. R., Wofsy, S. C.

Stomatal conductance influences both photosynthesis and transpiration, thereby coupling the carbon and water cycles and affecting surface-atmosphere energy exchange. The environmental response of stomatal conductance has been measured mainly on the leaf scale, and theoretical canopy models are relied on to upscale stomatal conductance …

Journal: Biogeosciences, Volume 14 (2): 389-401 (2017), ISBN . DOI: 10.5194/bg-14-389-2017 Sites: US-Ha1

Increased Water Yield Due To The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Infestation In New England
Kim, J., Hwang, T., Schaaf, C. L., Orwig, D. A., Boose, E., Munger, J. W.

Journal: Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 44 (5): 2327-2335 (2017), ISBN . DOI: 10.1002/2016gl072327 Sites: US-Ha2