Agenda: Remote Sensing and Fluxes Upscaling for Real-world Impact

(Last update: July 8, 2024)

Time: July 9-10, 2024

Venue: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory / Online

Day 1 – Recordings Part 1 Part 2

8:45 - 9:00Breakfast & WelcomeBreakfast & WelcomeOrganizing CommitteeWelcome and Introduction to the workshop
9:00 - 10:30Session 1: Within site scaleKeynote (20 min)Ankur Desai (University of Wisconsin-Madison)Your site is not so special, or is it? Scaling fluxes from the specific to the general and back again.
Science talk (10 min)David Durden (NEON)From the plot to the plane: NEON's integrated scaled design
Impact talk (10 min)Carolina Lisboa (Verra)Harnessing Remote Sensing and Flux Measurements for Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Agricultural Land Management (ALM) Methodologies
Q & A (10 min)All Session 1 speakersQ & A with all Session 1 speakers
Breakout (40 min)Breakout discussion
10:30 - 11:00Break
11:00 - 12:30Session 2: Landscape / regional scaleKeynote (20 min)Troy Magney (UC Davis)Scaling evergreen forest photosynthesis from the needle to the tower to space
Science talk (10 min)Housen Chu (LBNL)Bridge the link between flux towers and models to enable upscaling
Impact talk (10 min)Levente Klein (IBM)Foundation Models for Vegetation Growth and Carbon Sequestration
Q & A (10 min)All Session 2 speakersQ&A with all Session 2 speakers
Breakout (40 min)Breakout discussion
12:30 - 13:30Lunch & Mixer
13:30 - 15:00Session 3: Global scaleKeynote (20 min)Jacob Nelson & Samuel Upton (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry)Reconciling Atmospheric Carbon and Water Fluxes: Integrated Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches with FLUXCOM-X and X-BASE
Science talk (10 min)Tammy Yuan (LBNL)Wetland CH4 Emissions Upscaling by Causality Guided Machine Learning: from Regional to Global Scale
Impact talk (10 min)Robert Granat (CarbonSpace)Flux Estimation Solutions and Impacts in the Food and Beverage Sector
Q & A (10 min)All Session 3 speakersQ&A with all Session 3 speakers
Breakout (40 min)Breakout discussion
15:00 - 15:30Break
15:30 - 17:00Session 4: Linking/integrating across the scalesKeynote (20 min)Youngryel Ryu (Seoul National University)Beyond Boundaries: The Future of Land Surface Fluxes through Hyper-Resolution Remote Sensing across Space, Time, and Spectrum
Science talk (10 min)Stefan Metzger (AtmoFacts)Linking Realms from Ground to Orbit: Matching Fluxes and States Across Scales
Impact talk (10 min)Kevin Tu (Kateri)Bridging the gap between science and social benefit: Eddy flux for measurement, reporting and verification of grassland carbon sequestration
Q & A (10 min)All Session 4 speakersQ&A with all Session 4 speakers
Breakout (40 min)Breakout discussion

Day 2 – Recording

TimeSessionSpeakersTopic / Title
8:00 - 9:00Breakfast & IntroductionOrganizing CommitteeIntroduction of Day 2
9:00 - 10:00Tutorial #1Nicola Falco (LBNL) & David DurdenHands-on Activity: Analysis on a Site Scale
10:00 - 10:15Break
10:15 - 11:15Tutorial #2David Durden & Stefan MetzgerHands-on Activity: Upscaling to a Regional Scale
11:15 - 11:30Break
11:30 - 12:30Tutorial #3Paul Stoy (University of Wisconsin-Madison) & Stefan MetzgerHands-on Activity: Upscaling to a Continental-Scale
12:30 - 13:30Lunch & DiscussionMargaret Torn (LBNL) & Bridget Hass (NEON AOP)Lunch & Presentation: Tools for Data Discovery
13:30 - 14:10Breakouts SummaryOrganizing CommitteeReport-back from the Breakout Sessions of Day 1
14:10-14:30Wrap-up DiscussionDiscussion on follow-up activities
14:30 - 15:00Workshop Summary