
Publications Found: 1373
Ecosystem Water-Use Efficiency Of Annual Corn And Perennial Grasslands: Contributions From Land-Use History And Species Composition
Abraha, M., Gelfand, I., Hamilton, S. K., Shao, C., Su, Y., Robertson, G. P., Chen, J.

Journal: Ecosystems, Volume 19 (6): 1001-1012 (2016), ISBN . DOI: DOI: 10.1007/s10021-016-9981-2 Sites: US-KL1, US-KL2, US-KL3, US-KM1, US-KM2, US-KM3, US-KM4

Wet Meadow Ecosystems Contribute The Majority Of Overwinter Soil Respiration From Snow-Scoured Alpine Tundra
Knowles, J. F., Blanken, P. D., Williams, M. W.

Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, Volume 121 (4): 1118-1130 (2016), ISBN . DOI: 10.1002/2015JG003081 Sites: US-NR3, US-NR4

Designing A Suite Of Measurements To Understand The Critical Zone
Brantley, S. L., DiBiase, R. A., Russo, T. A., Shi, Y., Lin, H., Davis, K. J., Kaye, M., Hill, L., Kaye, J., Eissenstat, D. M., Hoagland, B., Dere, A. L., Neal, A. L., Brubaker, K. M., Arthur, D. K.

Many scientists have begun to refer to the earth surface environment from the upper canopy to the
depths of bedrock as the critical zone (CZ). Identification of the CZ as an integral object worthy of study implicitly posits that the study of the whole earth surface will provide benefits that do not arise when studying the
individual …

Journal: Earth Surface Dynamics, Volume 4 (1): 211-235 (2016), ISBN . DOI: 10.5194/esurf-4-211-2016 Sites:

Curto, L., Covi M., Gassmann, M.I.

Soil moisture or soil water content is an important variable for Meteorology,
Agronomy, Hydrology and Soil Science. In Argentina, measurements of soil
moisture are both spatially and temporally sparsely distributed. There are different
methodologies of measuring soil moisture content like the gravimetric, neutron and
dielectric …

Journal: Meteorologica, Volume 41 (2): (2016), ISBN . DOI: Sites: AR-Bal

A Comparison Of Methods Reveals That Enhanced Diffusion Helps Explain Cold-Season Soil Co2 Efflux In A Lodgepole Pine Ecosystem
Rains, F. A., Stoy, P. C., Welch, C. M., Montagne, C., McGlynn, B. L.

Wintertime respiration contributes significantly to the annual loss of carbon from terrestrial ecosystems to the atmosphere, but the magnitude and physical transport mechanisms of this flux through snow remain unclear. Here, we quantify wintertime soil CO2 efflux in a Lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl.) forest by comparing chamber, …

Journal: Cold Regions Science And Technology, Volume 121: 16-24 (2016), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.coldregions.2015.10.003 Sites: US-TEF

Landscape-level terrestrial methane flux observed from a very tall tower
Desai, A.R., Xu, K., Tian, H., Weishampel, P., Thom, J., Baumann, D., Andrews, A.E., Cook, B.D., King, J.Y., Kolka, R.

Simulating the magnitude and variability of terrestrial methane sources and sinks poses a challenge to ecosystem models because the biophysical and biogeochemical processes that lead to methane emissions from terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems are, by their nature, episodic and spatially disjunct. As a consequence, model predictions …

Journal: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 201: 61-75 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.10.017 Sites: US-PFa

Variations in the influence of diffuse light on gross primary productivity in temperate ecosystems
Bohrer, G., Steiner, A.L., Hollinger, D.Y., Suyker, A., Phillips, R.P., Nadelhoffer, K.J.

The carbon storage potential of terrestrial ecosystems depends in part on how atmospheric conditions influence the type and amount of surface radiation available for photosynthesis. Diffuse light, resulting from interactions between incident solar radiation and atmospheric aerosols and clouds, has been postulated to increase carbon …

Journal: Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, Volume 201: 98-110 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.11.002 Sites: US-Ho1

Relative Linkages of Canopy-Level CO2 Fluxes with the Climatic and Environmental Variables for US Deciduous Forests
Khandker S. Ishtiaq, Omar I. Abdul-Aziz

We used a simple, systematic data-analytics approach to determine the relative linkages of different climate and environmental variables with the canopy-level, half-hourly CO2 fluxes of US deciduous forests. Multi- variate pattern recognition techniques of principal com- ponent and factor analyses were utilized to classify and group …

Journal: Environmental Management, Volume : 1-18 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1007/s00267-014-0437-1 Sites:

The match and mismatch between photosynthesis and land surface phenology of deciduous forests
D'Odorico, P. Gonsamo, A. Gough, C. Bohrer, G. Morison, J. Wilkinson, M. Hanson, P. Gianelle, D. Fuentes ,J. Buchmann, N.

Plant phenology is a key indicator of the terrestrial biosphere’s response to climate change, as well as a driver of global climate through changes in the carbon, energy and water cycles. Remote sensing observations of seasonal canopy greenness dynamics represent a valuable means to study land surface phenology (LSP) at scales …

Journal: Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Volume 214-215: 25 - 38 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2015.07.005 Sites: 01-All

Large eddy simulations of surface roughness parameter sensitivity to canopy structure characteristics
Maurer, K.D. Bohrer, G. Kenny, W.T. Ivanov, V.Y.

Surface roughness parameters, namely the roughness length and displacement height, are an integral input used to model surface fluxes. However, most models assume these parameters to be a fixed property of plant functional type and disregard the governing structural heterogeneity and dynamics. In this study, we use large-eddy simulations …

Journal: Biogeosciences, Volume 12: 2533-2548 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.5194/bg-12-2533-2015 Sites: US-UMB