
Publications Found: 1373
Greenness indices from digital cameras predict the timing and seasonal dynamics of canopy-scale photosynthesis
Toomey M, Friedl MA, Frolking S, Hufkens K, Klosterman K, Sonnentag O, Baldocchi DD, Bernacchi CJ, Biraud SC, Bohrer^ G, Brzostek E, Burns SP, Coursolle C, Hollinger DY, Margolis HA, McCaughey H, Monson RK, Munger JW, Pallardy S, Phillips RP, Torn MS, Wharton S, Zeri M, Richardson AD.

The proliferation of digital cameras co-located with eddy covariance instrumentation provides new opportunities to better understand the relationship between canopy phenology and the seasonality of canopy photosynthesis. In this paper we analyze the abilities and limitations of canopy color metrics measured by digital repeat photography …

Journal: Ecological Applications, Volume 25 (1): 99-115 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1890/14-0005.1 Sites: 01-All

Moderate forest disturbance as a stringent test for gap and big-leaf models
Bond-Lamberty, B. Fisk, J. Holm, J.A. Bailey, V. Bohrer, G. Gough, C.M.

Disturbance-induced tree mortality is a key factor regulating the carbon balance of a forest, but tree mortality and its subsequent effects are poorly represented processes in terrestrial ecosystem models. It is thus unclear whether models can robustly simulate moderate (non-catastrophic) disturbances, which tend to increase biological …

Journal: Biogeosciences, Volume 12: 513-526 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.5194/bg-12-513-2015 Sites: US-UMB

As Forests Age, Their Climate Effects Shift
Shultz, David

Although it may be difficult for us to observe in our short lifetimes, the composition of trees in a forest can be a very variable thing. When a forest is clear-cut or thinned by fire, the first trees to rebound are often the fastest growing—those that can sprout quicker than their competitors. However, over time, these speedy …

Journal: EOS, Volume 96: 1-1 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/2015EO026455 Sites: US-UMB

Seasonal fluxes of carbonyl sulfide in a midlatitude forest
Commane, R.C., Meredith, L. K., Baker, I. T., Berry, J. A., Munger, J. W, Montzka, S. A, Templer, P. H., Juice, S. M., Zahniser, M. S., Wofsy, S. C.

Carbonyl sulfide (OCS), the most abundant sulfur gas in the
atmosphere, has a summer minimum associated with uptake by
vegetation and soils, closely correlated with CO 2 . We report the
first direct measurements to our knowledge of the ecosystem flux
of OCS throughout an annual cycle, at a mixed temperate forest.
The forest …

Journal: PNAS, Volume : 1-7 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1504131112 Sites: US-Ha1

Effects of forest management on productivity and carbon sequestration: a review and hypothesis
Noormets, A., Epron, D., Domec, J.C., McNulty, S.G., Fox, T.D., Chen, J., Sun, G., King, J.S.

With an increasing fraction of the world’s forests being intensively managed for meeting humanity’s need for wood, fiber and ecosystem services, quantitative understanding of the functional changes in these ecosystems in comparison with natural forests is needed. In particular, the role of managed forests as long-term carbon …

Journal: Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 355: 124-140 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016 Sites: 01-All

Conversion of natural forests to managed forest plantations impacts tree response to climatic variable and affects negatively tree resistance to prolonged droughts
Domec, J.C., Ward, E.J., Oishi, A.C., Palmroth, S., Radecki, A., Bell, D.M., Miao, G., Gavazzi, M., Johnson, D.M., King, J.S., McNulty, S.G., Oren, R., Sun, G., Noormets, A.

Throughout the southern US, past forest management practices have replaced large areas of native
forests with loblolly pine plantations and have resulted in changes in forest response to extreme
weather conditions. However, uncertainty remains about the response of planted versus natural
species to drought across the geographical …

Journal: Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 355: 58-71 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016 Sites: US-Dk2

The carbon balance pivot point of southwestern U.S. semiarid ecosystems: Insights from the 21st century drought
Scott, R.L., Biederman, J.A., Hamerlynck, E.P., Barron-Gafford, G.

Global-scale studies indicate that semiarid regions strongly regulate the terrestrial carbon sink.
However, we lack understanding of how climatic shifts, such as decadal drought, impact carbon sequestration across the wide range of structural diversity in semiarid ecosystems. Therefore, we used eddy covariance measurements to quantify …

Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, Volume 120: 2612-2624 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1002/2015JG003181 Sites: US-SRG, US-SRM, US-Whs, US-Wkg

Evaluation of impacts of management in an anthropogenic peatland using field and remote sensing data
Cabezas, J., Galleguillos, M., Valdés, A., Fuentes, J.P., Pérez, C., Pérez-Quezada, J.

Peatlands are a type of wetland characterized by the accumulation of organic matter, called peat, and are important carbon reservoirs. In areas with poor drainage, human-induced forest fires and logging can produce flooded conditions and organic matter accumulation, which generates an ecosystem called anthropogenic peatland. Productive …

Journal: Ecosphere, Volume 6 (12): 1-24 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1890/ES15-00232.1 Sites: CL-SDP

Evapotranspiration Of Annual And Perennial Biofuel Crops In A Variable Climate
Abraha, M., Chen, J., Chu, H., Zenone, T., John, R., Su, Y., Hamilton, S. K., Robertson, G. P.

Eddy covariance measurements were made in seven fields in the Midwest USA over 4 years (including the 2012 drought year) to estimate evapotranspiration (ET) of newly established rain-fed cellulosic and grain …

Journal: GCB Bioenergy, Volume 7 (6): 1344-1356 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/gcbb.12239 Sites: US-KL1, US-KL2, US-KL3, US-KM1, US-KM2, US-KM3, US-KM4

Long-Rotation Sugarcane In Hawaii Sustains High Carbon Accumulation And Radiation Use Efficiency In 2nd Year Of Growth
Anderson, R. G., Tirado-Corbalá, R., Wang, D., Ayars, J. E.

Sugarcane has been a major agronomic crop in Hawaii with an unique, high-yield, two-year production system. However, parameters relevant to advanced, cellulosic biofuel production, such as net ecosystem productivity (NEP) and radiation use efficiency (RUE), have not been evaluated in Hawaii under commercial production. Recent demand …

Journal: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, Volume 199: 216-224 (2015), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2014.09.012 Sites: US-SuM, US-SuS, US-SuW