
Publications Found: 1373

Nocturnal Mixing In A Forest Subcanopy
Mahrt, L., Lee, X., Black, A., Neumann, H., Staebler, R.

The vertical structure of the flow in the old aspen canopy in BOREAS is examined in terms of thermocouple profiles and sonic anemometers above, within, and below the aspen canopy. The data are composited for different periods in order to isolate seasonal changes of the canopy and sun angle. On clear nights, a strong surface …

Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 101 (1): 67-78 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/s0168-1923(99)00161-6 Sites: CA-Oas

Seasonal And Interannual Variability Of Energy Fluxes Over A Broadleaved Temperate Deciduous Forest In North America
Wilson, K. B., Baldocchi, D. D.

The components of the surface energy balance were measured for 3 years over a broadleaved deciduous forest using the eddy covariance technique. Within years, the magnitude and distribution of fluxes was controlled by seasonal changes in solar radiation, drought, as well as leaf emergence and senescence. Evapotranspiration increased …

Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 100 (1): 1-18 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/s0168-1923(99)00088-x Sites: US-WBW

Wintertime Ozone Fluxes And Profiles Above A Subalpine Spruce–Fir Forest
Zeller, K.

High rural concentrations of ozone (O3) are thought to be stratospheric in origin, advected from upwind urban sources, or photochemically generated locally by natural trace gas emissions. Ozone is known to be transported vertically downward from the above-canopy atmospheric surface layer and destroyed within stomata or …

Journal: Journal Of Applied Meteorology, Volume 39 (1): 92-101 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1175/1520-0450(2000)039<0092:WOFAPA>2.0.CO;2 Sites: US-GBT

Land–Atmosphere Interaction Research, Early Results, And Opportunities In The Walnut River Watershed In Southeast Kansas: CASES And ABLE
LeMone, M. A., Grossman, R. L., Coulter, R. L., Wesley, M. L., Klazura, G. E., Poulos, G. S., Blumen, W., Lundquist, J. K., Cuenca, R. H., Kelly, S. F., Brandes, E. A., Oncley, S. P., McMillen, R. T., Hicks, B. B.

This paper describes the development of the Cooperative Atmosphere Surface Exchange Study (CASES), its synergism with the development of the Atmosphere Boundary Layer Experiments (ABLE) and related efforts, CASES field programs, some early results, and future plans and opportunities. CASES is a grassroots multidisciplinary effort …

Journal: Bulletin Of The American Meteorological Society, Volume 81 (4): 757-779 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1175/1520-0477(2000)081<0757:LIRERA>2.3.CO;2 Sites: US-Wlr

The Dynamic Role Of Root-Water Uptake In Coupling Potential To Actual Transpiration
Lai, C., Katul, G.

The relationship between actual (Eact) and potential (Ep) transpiration above a grass-covered forest clearing was investigated numerically and experimentally from simultaneous measurements of soil moisture content profiles, mean meteorological …

Journal: Advances In Water Resources, Volume 23 (4): 427-439 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/s0309-1708(99)00023-8 Sites: US-Dk3

The Controls On Net Ecosystem Productivity Along An Arctic Transect: A Model Comparison With Flux Measurements
Williams, M., Eugster, W., Rastetter, E. B., Mcfadden, J. P., Chapin, F. S.

Assessments of carbon (C) fluxes in the Arctic require detailed data on both how and why these fluxes vary across the landscape. Such assessments are complicated because tundra vegetation has diverse structure and function at both local and regional scales. To investigate this diversity, the Arctic Flux Study has used the eddy covariance …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 6 (S1): 116-126 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2000.06016.x Sites: US-Upa

Kinetics Of Nitrogen Uptake By Populus Tremuloides In Relation To Atmospheric CO2 And Soil Nitrogen Availability
Rothstein, D. E., Zak, D. R., Pregitzer, K. S., Curtis, P. S.
Sustained increases in plant production in response to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration may be constrained by the availability of soil nitrogen (N). However, it is possible that plants will respond to N limitation at elevated CO2 concentration by increasing the …

Journal: Tree Physiology, Volume 20 (4): 265-270 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1093/treephys/20.4.265 Sites: US-UMB

Measurements Of Gross And Net Ecosystem Productivity And Water Vapour Exchange Of A Pinus Ponderosa Ecosystem, And An Evaluation Of Two Generalized Models
Law, B. E., Waring, R., Anthoni, P. M., Aber, J. D.

Net ecosystem productivity (NEP), net primary productivity (NPP), and water vapour exchange of a mature Pinus ponderosa forest (44°30′ N, 121°37′ W) growing …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 6 (2): 155-168 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2000.00291.x Sites: US-Me4

Effects Of Forest Harvesting On Soil Methane Fluxes In Florida Slash Pine Plantations
Castro, M. S., Gholz, H. L., Clark, K. L., Steudler, P. A.

We examined the effects of forest harvesting on the net exchange of methane (CH4) between the atmosphere and sandy soils in two mature slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) plantations in northern Florida. Before each of the stem-only harvests, soils in these plantations were net sinks for CH4

Journal: Canadian Journal Of Forest Research, Volume 30 (10): 1534-1542 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-30-10-1534 Sites: US-SP1, US-SP2, US-SP3, US-SP4

Surface Heat Flux Estimation With Wind-Profiler/RASS And Radiosonde Observations
Jacobs, J. M., Coulter, R. L., Brutsaert, W.

A bulk ABL similarity approach was used to make regional estimates of the sensible heat flux by combining surface temperature measurements with mixed layer temperature and wind speed profiles. The mixed layer profiles were measured by a 915 MHz Profiler/Radio Acoustic Sounding …

Journal: Advances In Water Resources, Volume 23 (4): 339-348 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/s0309-1708(99)00028-7 Sites: US-Wlr