
Publications Found: 1373
A Multi-Site Analysis Of Random Error In Tower-Based Measurements Of Carbon And Energy Fluxes
Richardson, A. D., Hollinger, D. Y., Burba, G. G., Davis, K. J., Flanagan, L. B., Katul, G. G., William Munger, J., Ricciuto, D. M., Stoy, P. C., Suyker, A. E., Verma, S. B., Wofsy, S. C.

Measured surface-atmosphere fluxes of energy (sensible heat, H, and latent heat, LE) and CO2 (FCO2) represent the “true” flux plus or minus potential random and systematic measurement errors. Here, we use data from seven sites in the AmeriFlux network, including five forested sites …

Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 136 (1-2): 1-18 (2006), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2006.01.007 Sites: CA-Let, US-Dk3, US-Ho1, US-Ne1, US-Ne2, US-Ne3, US-PFa

Carbon Fluxes Across Regions: Observational Constraints At Multiple Scales
Law, B. E., Turner, D., Campbell, J., Lefsky, M., Guzy, M., Sun, O., Tuyl, S. V., Cohen, W.

Journal: Scaling And Uncertainty Analysis In Ecology, Volume : 167-190 (2006), ISBN . DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-4663-4_9 Sites: US-Me2

Controlling factors on the inter-annual CO2 budget at a sub-arctic black spruce forest in interior Alaska
Ueyama, M., Harazono, Y., Okada, R., Nojiri, A., Ohataki, E. and Miyata, A.

Journal: Tellus, Volume 58B: 491-501 (2006), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Uaf

Micrometeorological measurements of methane flux at a boreal forest in central Alaska
Ueyama, M., Harazaono, Y., Okada, R., Nojiri, A., Ohtaki, E. and Miyata, A.

Journal: Mem. Natl Inst. Polar Res., Spec. Issue, Volume 59: 156-167 (2006), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Uaf

Temporal and spatial differences of methane flux at arctic tundra in Alaska
Harazono Y, Mano M, Miyata A, Yoshimoto M, Zulueta RC, Vourlitis V, Kwon H, Oechel W

Journal: emoirs of National Institute of Polar Research. Special issue, Volume 59: 79-95 (2006), ISBN . DOI: Sites: US-Cms, US-HVs, US-Sag

Impact Of Changing Soil Moisture Distribution On Net Ecosystem Productivity Of A Boreal Aspen Forest During And Following Drought
Krishnan, P., Black, T. A., Grant, N. J., Barr, A. G., Hogg, E. (., Jassal, R. S., Morgenstern, K.

The interannual and seasonal variability of gross ecosystem photosynthesis (P), ecosystem respiration (R) and evapotranspiration
(E), and their relationships to environmental factors were used to explain changes in net ecosystem productivity (FNEP) at the
onset of, during, and following a 3-year-long (2001–2003) drought in a …

Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 139 (3-4): 208-223 (2006), ISBN . DOI: DOI:10.1016/j.agrformet.2006.07.002 Sites: CA-Oas

The Contribution Of Beneath-Snow Soil Respiration To Total Ecosystem Respiration In A High-Elevation, Subalpine Forest
Monson, R. K., Burns, S. P., Williams, M. W., Delany, A. C., Weintraub, M., Lipson, D. A.

The respiratory loss of CO2 from soil microbes beneath winter snow in forests from cold climates can significantly influence the annual carbon budget. We explored the magnitude of winter soil respiration using continuous measurements of beneath‐snow CO2 concentration within the footprint of a flux tower in a subalpine forest in …

Journal: Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Volume 20 (3): n/a-n/a (2006), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/2005GB002684 Sites: US-NR1

Winter Forest Soil Respiration Controlled By Climate And Microbial Community Composition
Monson, R. K., Lipson, D. L., Burns, S. P., Turnipseed, A. A., Delany, A. C., Williams, M. W., Schmidt, S. K.

Most terrestrial carbon sequestration at mid-latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere occurs in seasonal, montane forest ecosystems1. Winter respiratory carbon dioxide losses from these ecosystems are high, and over half of the carbon assimilated by photosynthesis in the summer can be lost the following winter2,3. The amount of winter …

Journal: Nature, Volume 439 (7077): 711-714 (2006), ISBN . DOI: 10.1038/nature04555 Sites: US-NR1

Environmental Controls Over Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange Of Scrub Oak In Central Florida
Powell, T. L., Bracho, R., Li, J., Dore, S., Hinkle, C. R., Drake, B. G.

Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 141 (1): 19-34 (2006), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2006.09.002 Sites: US-KS2

Ecohydrological Impacts Of Woody-Plant Encroachment: Seasonal Patterns Of Water And Carbon Dioxide Exchange Within A Semiarid Riparian Environment

Across many dryland regions, historically grass-dominated ecosystems have been encroached upon by woody-plant species. In this paper, we compare ecosystem water and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes over a grassland, a grassland–shrubland mosaic, and a fully developed woodland to evaluate potential consequences of woody-plant encroachment …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 12 (2): 311-324 (2006), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.01093.x Sites: US-CMW