
Publications Found: 1373
Ecohydrological Impacts Of Woody-Plant Encroachment: Seasonal Patterns Of Water And Carbon Dioxide Exchange Within A Semiarid Riparian Environment

Across many dryland regions, historically grass‐dominated ecosystems have been encroached upon by woody‐plant species. In this paper, we compare ecosystem water and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes over a grassland, a grassland–shrubland mosaic, and a fully developed woodland to evaluate potential consequences of woody‐plant encroachment …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 12 (2): 311-324 (2006), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.01093.x Sites:

Ecohydrological Impacts Of Woody-Plant Encroachment: Seasonal Patterns Of Water And Carbon Dioxide Exchange Within A Semiarid Riparian Environment

Across many dryland regions, historically grass-dominated ecosystems have been encroached upon by woody-plant species. In this paper, we compare ecosystem water and
carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes over a grassland, a grassland–shrubland mosaic, and a fully
developed woodland to evaluate potential consequences of woody-plant encroachment
on …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 12 (2): 311-324 (2006), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.01093.x Sites: US-LS1

Ecohydrological Impacts Of Woody-Plant Encroachment: Seasonal Patterns Of Water And Carbon Dioxide Exchange Within A Semiarid Riparian Environment

Across many dryland regions, historically grass‐dominated ecosystems have been encroached upon by woody‐plant species. In this paper, we compare ecosystem water and carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes over a grassland, a grassland–shrubland mosaic, and a fully developed woodland to evaluate potential consequences of woody‐plant encroachment …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 12 (2): 311-324 (2006), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.01093.x Sites: US-CMW, US-LS1, US-LS2

Testing A Model Of CO2, Water And Energy Exchange In Great Plains Tallgrass Prairie And Wheat Ecosystems
Hanan, N. P., Berry, J. A., Verma, S. B., Walter-Shea, E. A., Suyker, A. E., Burba, G. G., Denning, A. S.

A land surface model (a modified version of the Simple Biosphere Model, Version 2; SiB2) was parameterized and tested against two years of eddy covariance flux measurements made over un-grazed tallgrass prairie and a winter wheat field in Oklahoma, USA. The land surface model computed 30-min estimates of sensible and latent heat …

Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 131 (3-4): 162-179 (2005), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2005.05.009 Sites: US-Pon, US-Shd

Assessing The Past And Future Distribution And Productivity Of Ponderosa Pine In The Pacific Northwest Using A Process Model, 3-Pg
Coops, N. C., Waring, R. H., Law, B. E.

Climate variability at decadal scales influences not only the growth of widely distributed species such as Pinus ponderosa, but also can have an effect on the timing and severity of fire and insect outbreaks that may alter species distributions. In this paper, we present a spatial modelling technique to assess the influence …

Journal: Ecological Modelling, Volume 183 (1): 107-124 (2005), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2004.08.002 Sites: US-Me2, US-Me4, US-Me5

Net Primary Production And Canopy Nitrogen In A Temperate Forest Landscape: An Analysis Using Imaging Spectroscopy, Modeling And Field Data
Ollinger, S. V., Smith, M.

Understanding spatial patterns of net primary production (NPP) is central to the study of terrestrial ecosystems, but efforts are frequently hampered by a lack of spatial information regarding factors such as nitrogen availability and site history. Here, we examined the degree to which canopy nitrogen can serve as …

Journal: Ecosystems, Volume 8 (7): 760-778 (2005), ISBN . DOI: 10.1007/s10021-005-0079-5 Sites: US-Bar

Nitrous Oxide Emission From No-Till Irrigated Corn
Ginting, D., Eghball, B.

Field experiments were conducted to determine optimal time during the day for N2O flux determination and to evaluate the effects of wheel traffic and soil parameters on N2O fluxes following urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) injection and summer UAN fertigations. The experiments were located on silty clay loam soils …

Journal: Soil Science Society Of America Journal, Volume 69 (3): 915-925 (2005), ISBN . DOI: 10.2136/sssaj2004.0292 Sites: US-Ne1, US-Ne2, US-Ne3

Contrasting Responses To Drought Of Forest Floor CO2 Efflux In A Loblolly Pine Plantation And A Nearby Oak-Hickory Forest
Palmroth, S., Maier, C. A., McCarthy, H. R., Oishi, A. C., Kim, H., Johnsen, K., Katul, G. G., Oren, R.

Forest floor CO2 efflux (Fff) depends on vegetation type, climate, and soil physical properties. We assessed the effects of biological factors on Fff by comparing a maturing pine plantation (PP) and a nearby mature Oak-Hickory-type hardwood forest (HW). Fff was …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 11 (3): 421-434 (2005), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.00915.x Sites: US-Dk3

Modeling And Measuring The Nocturnal Drainage Flow In A High-Elevation, Subalpine Forest With Complex Terrain
Yi, C., Monson, R. K., Zhai, Z., Anderson, D. E., Lamb, B., Allwine, G., Turnipseed, A. A., Burns, S. P.

The nocturnal drainage flow of air causes significant uncertainty in ecosystem CO2, H2O, and energy budgets determined with the eddy covariance measurement approach. In this study, we examined the magnitude, nature, and dynamics of the nocturnal drainage flow in a subalpine forest ecosystem with complex terrain. …

Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research, Volume 110 (D22303): n/a-n/a (2005), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/2005jd006282 Sites: US-NR1

Variability In Net Primary Production And Carbon Storage In Biomass Across Oregon Forests—An Assessment Integrating Data From Forest Inventories, Intensive Sites, And Remote Sensing
Van Tuyl, S., Law, B., Turner, D., Gitelman, A.

We used a combination of data from USDA Forest Service inventories, intensive chronosequences, extensive sites, and satellite remote sensing, to estimate biomass and net primary production (NPP) for the forested region of western Oregon. The study area was divided into four …

Journal: Forest Ecology And Management, Volume 209 (3): 273-291 (2005), ISBN . DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2005.02.002 Sites: US-Me2, US-Me4, US-Me5