Publication Search
Oechel, Walter. C., Cheryl. A. Laskowski, George. Burba, Beniamino. Gioli, Aram. A. M. Kalhori
The functioning of Arctic ecosystems is not only critically affected by climate change,but it also has the potential for major positive feedback on climate. There is, however, relatively little information on the role, patterns, and vulnerabilities of CO2 fluxes during the nonsummer seasons in Arctic ecosystems. Presented here is …
Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, Volume 119 (3): 323-339 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/2013JG002431 Sites: US-Atq
Ouyang, Z., Chen, J., Becker, R., Chu, H., Xie, J., Shao, C., John, R.
Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) in temperate forests is modulated by multiple microclimatic factors. The effects of these factors vary across time scales, with some correlated to produce confounding effects. Photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and air temperature (Ta) are among the two most important drivers …
Journal: Ecological Complexity, Volume 19: 46-58 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.ecocom.2014.04.005 Sites: US-Oho
Xie, J., Sun, G., Chu, H., Liu, J., McNulty, S. G., Noormets, A., John, R., Ouyang, Z., Zha, T., Li, H., Guan, W., Chen, J.
Water availability is one of the key environmental factors that control ecosystem functions in temperate forests. Changing climate is likely to alter the ecohydrology and other ecosystem processes, which affect forest structures and functions. We constructed a multi-year water budget (2004–2010) and quantified environmental controls …
Journal: Hydrological Processes, Volume 28 (25): 6054-6066 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10079 Sites: US-Oho
Skowronski, N. S., Clark, K. L., Gallagher, M., Birdsey, R. A., Hom, J. L.
We estimated aboveground tree biomass and change in aboveground tree biomass using repeated airborne laser scanner (ALS) acquisitions and temporally coincident ground observations of forest biomass, for a relatively undisturbed period (2004–2007; ∆07–04), a contrasting period of disturbance (2007–2009; ∆09–07), …
Journal: Remote Sensing Of Environment, Volume 151: 166-174 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2013.12.015 Sites: US-Slt
Desai, A. R.
Significant advances have been made over the past decades in capabilities to simulate diurnal and seasonal variation of leaf-level and canopy-scale photosynthesis in temperate and boreal forests. However, long-term prediction of future forest productivity …
Journal: Photosynthesis Research, Volume 119 (1-2): 31-47 (2014). DOI: 10.1007/s11120-013-9925-z Sites: US-PFa
Campeau, A. B., Lafleur, P. M., Humphreys, E. R.
Campeau, A. B., Lafleur, P. M. and Humphreys, E. R. 2014. Landscape-scale variability in soil organic carbon storage in the central Canadian Arctic. Can. J. Soil Sci. 94: 477–488. Arctic soils constitute a vast, but poorly quantified, pool of soil organic carbon (SOC). The uncertainty associated with pan-Arctic SOC …
Journal: Canadian Journal Of Soil Science, Volume 94 (4): 477-488 (2014). DOI: 10.4141/cjss-2014-018 Sites: CA-DL1, CA-DL2
Oechel, W. C., Laskowski, C. A., Burba, G., Gioli, B., Kalhori, A. A.
The functioning of Arctic ecosystems is not only critically affected by climate change, but it also has the potential for major positive feedback on climate. There is, however, relatively little information …
Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, Volume 119 (3): 323-339 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/2013JG002431 Sites: US-Atq
Clark, K. L., Skowronski, N., Renninger, H., Scheller, R.
In this review, we summarize the potential impacts of climate change on wildfire activity in the mid-Atlantic region, and then consider how the beneficial uses of prescribed fire could conflict with mitigation needs for climate change, focusing on patters of carbon (C) sequestration by forests in the region. We use a synthesis of …
Journal: Forest Ecology And Management, Volume 327: 306-315 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.09.049 Sites: US-Ced
Anderson, R. G., Wang, D.
The lack of energy closure has been a longstanding issue with Eddy Covariance (EC). Multiple mechanisms have been proposed to explain the discrepancies in energy balance including diurnal energy storage changes, advection of energy, and larger scale turbulent processes that cannot be resolved by field EC. To investigate the energy …
Journal: Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, Volume 184: 204-209 (2014). DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2013.09.012 Sites: US-SuS, US-SuW
Frank, J. M., Massman, W. J., Ewers, B. E., Huckaby, L. S., Negrón, J. F.
Disturbances are increasing globally due to anthropogenic changes in land use and climate. This study determines whether a disturbance that affects the physiology of individual trees can be used to predict …
Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, Volume 119 (6): 1195-1215 (2014). DOI: 10.1002/2013jg002597 Sites: US-GLE