Year of Water Fluxes Organizing Committee

The theme year for network action are meant to galvanize the AmeriFlux community around the many activities around water fluxes. The outcomes of this theme year are up to YOU. Contact if you have an idea or want to join the organizing committee. Here is the current list of community volunteers:

  • Marcy Litvak, University of New Mexico, Co-Chair
  • Chris Oishi, US Forest Service, Co-Chair
  • David Reed, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, Co-Chair
  • Russ Scott, US Department of Agriculture
  • Jorge Perez-Quezada, University of Chile
  • Yunyan Zhang, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • Manuel Helbig, Dalhousie University
  • Gil Bohrer, Ohio State University
  • Larry Flanagan, University of Lethbridge
  • Mark Johnson, University of British Columbia
  • Justine Missik, Washington State University
  • Magna Moura, EMBRAPA
  • Yanlan Liu, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Angela Rigden, Harvard University
  • George Burba, LICOR
  • Steve Kannenberg, University of Utah
  • Sebastien Biraud, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Sparkle Malone, Florida International University
  • Tonantzin Tarin Terrazas, Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Margaret Torn, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory