From the AmeriFlux-Community listserv. Thanks to Joydeep Bhattacharjee for asking, and David for this answer Joydeep: How do PIs across the network protect their equipment on towers against damage from… More

What is Our Method?

(Dennis Baldocchi, author.) I have a new graduate student who is taking introductory classes with a diverse group of environmental science students. In their discussions, they are comparing how each… More

Three AmeriFlux scientists were recent recipients of awards from the American Meteorological Society THE CLARENCE LEROY MEISINGER AWARD Ankur Desai For innovative contributions toward improving the observation and modeling of… More

Yue, X., N. Unger, T. F. Keenan, X. Zhang, and C. S. Vogel. 2015. Probing the past 30-year phenology trend of US deciduous forests. Biogeosciences 12:4693-4709. doi:10.5194/bg-12-4693-2015 “Phenology is experiencing dramatic… More

The 8th Colorado Flux Course (#fluxcourse; was recently convened up at Niwot Ridge, Colorado. Twenty-five students from across the US and globe came to hear lectures on eddy covariance, flux… More

Evapotranspiration based on equilibrated relative humidity (ETRHEQ): Evaluation over the continental U.S. From Water Resources Research 51(4),2951-2973, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/2014WR016072. Copyright (2015) American Geophysical Union. Guido Salvucci’s group at Boston… More

There is growing interest to use sun induced fluorescence to estimate ecosystem photosynthesis from space.  This new paper from Yang et al tested indices from hyper spectral reflectance measurements with… More