The AmeriFlux Tech Team has completed another successful site visit season. This year they visited six AmeriFlux sites. The team also deployed the portable profile system at two sites. Here… More

Henry Gholz died tragically in a mountain climbing accident September 30, 2017, in Rocky Mountain National Park.  Henry earned B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Oregon State University, and was a… More

Prof.  Gaby Katul, PI of the Duke Forest Ameriflux sites and Professor at Duke, was awarded the Dalton Medal in Hydrological Sciences by the European Geophysical Union.  Congratulations.

The AmeriFlux portable profile system (PPS) was built to understand and improve how storage is being measured as a complimentary activity to site visits by the Tech Team.

We are happy to announce that Prof. Jose Fuentes of Penn State, is the 2018 recipient of the American Meteorology Award for OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN BIOMETEOROLOGY. ‘For uncovering the significance and… More