AGU Fall 2016 (SF) - AmeriFlux community members at the Berkeley Lab's EESA booth
Again we’re collecting AGU Fall 2018 sessions we think will interest our AmeriFlux Community members.  Right now I’m assembling those where you might want to submit an abstract. The AGU Fall 2018 abstract submission portal is open now; deadline is August 1 (early submission is July 25).

Tell me know if you’d like yours added to this list. I’m also checking those announced on the AmeriFlux-Community list.

We also are planning on an AmeriFlux Town Hall this year.

B021: Ecological Forecasting in the Earth System
B073: Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence as a proxy of photosynthesis: measurements, modeling, and applications from field, airborne, and satellite platform
B074: Surface-Atmosphere Interactions: From Single Flux Measurements to Integrated Synthesis
B034: Global and Regional Nitrous Oxide Budget: Data, Models, and Uncertainty
B051: Modeling the why, where and when of regional forest decline
GC095: Urban Areas and Global Change
B023: Estimating critical biogeochemical processes across soil-plant-atmosphere continuum using cutting-edge techniques
B002: Advances in Soil Respiration Research
B060: Past, Present and Future of Water-Limited Ecosystems: Local Trends to Global Impacts
H055: Evaporation, gas and heat exchange over inland waters under climate and anthropogenic changes: new insights from direct measurements and modeling
B029: Forests in the macrosystem: Advancing observations and models of land management at regional to global scales

One Response to “AmeriFlux at AGU Fall 2018—Washington DC”

  1. Russ Scott

    Please add:

    B094: Use remote sensing and eddy covariance techniques to quantify the impacts of climate and managements on grassland

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