AmeriFlux Town Hall at 2020 AGU Fall Meeting
virtualAs of this writing in April 2020, scientists in many countries are working under stay-at-home orders. Although the AmeriFlux network has strong virtual connectivity and ecosystem flux research continues apace,... More
Community Meeting Year of Water Fluxes
Dear Flux Community AmeriFlux is launching a new theme Year on Water Fluxes! On behalf of the AmeriFlux Science Steering Committee, we would like to invite interested community members to... More
AMP Webinar: Submitting BADM in CSV format
BADM (Biological, Ancillary, Disturbance, and Metadata) can now be submitted using CSV files! In this webinar, we will describe the BADM CSV reporting format and how site teams can use... More
FLUXNET Spring Workshop
We are honored to invite you to participate in the FLUXNET Spring Workshop, which will occur on the days 15 and 16 of April 2021. The workshop promotes the Year... More
AMP Webinar: AMP for data users: how to use AmeriFlux data
AmeriFlux data has many uses, from understanding carbon cycling and ecophysiology to benchmarking models and remote sensing observations. In this webinar we will explore different approaches to using AmeriFlux data,... More
7th ABoVE Science Team Meeting (ASTM7)
virtualPlease mark your calendars for the 7th ABoVE Science Team Meeting (ASTM7), to be held virtually May 11th & 13th, 2021. Our notion is for the sessions on Tuesday and... More
7th ABoVE Science Team Meeting (ASTM7)
virtualPlease mark your calendars for the 7th ABoVE Science Team Meeting (ASTM7), to be held virtually May 11th & 13th, 2021. Our notion is for the sessions on Tuesday and... More
Training Course (Virtual) on New Advances in Land Carbon Cycle Modeling
The training course will focus on the following aspects of land carbon modeling: · New theory on land carbon storage dynamics · Matrix approach to land carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus... More
Land-Atmosphere Interactions Workshop
virtualIn support of the AmeriFlux “Year of Water Fluxes”, and in collaboration with community representation from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility and Atmospheric System... More
Early Career Researchers Spotlight 3/3: español
Five presentations from Early Career researchers will highlight the various research projects in the AmeriFlux community. The presentations will be held in Spanish.