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Publications Found: 10

Vegetation Type Is An Important Predictor Of The Arctic Summer Land Surface Energy Budget
Oehri, J., Schaepman-Strub, G., Kim, J., Grysko, R., Kropp, H., Grünberg, I., Zemlianskii, V., Sonnentag, O., Euskirchen, E. S., Reji Chacko, M., Muscari, G., Blanken, P. D., Dean, J. F., di Sarra, A., Harding, R. J., Sobota, I., Kutzbach, L., Plekhanova, E., Riihelä, A., Boike, J., Miller, N. B., Beringer, J., López-Blanco, E., Stoy, P. C., Sullivan, R. C., Kejna, M., Parmentier, F. W., Gamon, J. A., Mastepanov, M., Wille, C., Jackowicz-Korczynski, M., Karger, D. N., Quinton, W. L., Putkonen, J., van As, D., Christensen, T. R., Hakuba, M. Z., Stone, R. S., Metzger, S., Vandecrux, B., Frost, G. V., Wild, M., Hansen, B., Meloni, D., Domine, F., te Beest, M., Sachs, T., Kalhori, A., Rocha, A. V., Williamson, S. N., Morris, S., Atchley, A. L., Essery, R., Runkle, B. R., Holl, D., Riihimaki, L. D., Iwata, H., Schuur, E. A., Cox, C. J., Grachev, A. A., McFadden, J. P., Fausto, R. S., Göckede, M., Ueyama, M., Pirk, N., de Boer, G., Bret-Harte, M. S., Leppäranta, M., Steffen, K., Friborg, T., Ohmura, A., Edgar, C. W., Olofsson, J., Chambers, S. D.

Despite the importance of high-latitude surface energy budgets (SEBs) for land-climate interactions in the rapidly changing Arctic, uncertainties in their prediction persist. Here, we harmonize SEB observations across a network of vegetated and glaciated sites at circumpolar scale (1994–2021). Our variance-partitioning analysis …

Journal: Nature Communications, Volume 13 (1): (2022), ISBN . DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-34049-3 Sites: CA-SCB, US-A03, US-A10, US-An1, US-An2, US-An3, US-Atq, US-Brw, US-EML, US-HVa, US-ICh, US-ICs, US-ICt, US-Ivo, US-NGB, US-Upa, US-xHE, US-xTL

Spatial Variation In Regional CO2 Exchange For The Kuparuk River Basin, Alaska Over The Summer Growing Season
Vourlitis, G. L., Verfaillie, J., Oechel, W. C., Hope, A., Stow, D., Engstrom, R.

The spatial and temporal patterns in CO2 flux for the Kuparuk River Basin, a 9200-km2 watershed located in NE Alaska were estimated using the Regional …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 9 (6): 930-941 (2003), ISBN . DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2003.00639.x Sites: US-HVa, US-Upa

The Controls On Net Ecosystem Productivity Along An Arctic Transect: A Model Comparison With Flux Measurements
Williams, M., Eugster, W., Rastetter, E. B., Mcfadden, J. P., Chapin, F. S.

Assessments of carbon (C) fluxes in the Arctic require detailed data on both how and why these fluxes vary across the landscape. Such assessments are complicated because tundra vegetation has diverse structure and function at both local and regional scales. To investigate this diversity, the Arctic Flux Study has used the eddy covariance …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 6 (S1): 116-126 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2000.06016.x Sites: US-Upa

Summer Differences Among Arctic Ecosystems In Regional Climate Forcing
Chapin, F. S., Eugster, W., McFadden, J. P., Lynch, A. H., Walker, D. A.

Biome differences in surface energy balance strongly affect climate. However, arctic vegetation is considered sufficiently uniform that only a single arctic land surface type is generally used in climate models. Field measurements in northern Alaska show large differences among arctic ecosystem types in summer energy absorption and …

Journal: Journal Of Climate, Volume 13 (12): 2002-2010 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1175/1520-0442(2000)013<2002:SDAAEI>2.0.CO;2 Sites: US-Upa

Land-Atmosphere Energy Exchange In Arctic Tundra And Boreal Forest: Available Data And Feedbacks To Climate
Eugster, W., Rouse, W. R., Pielke Sr, R. A., Mcfadden, J. P., Baldocchi, D. D., Kittel, T. G., Chapin, F. S., Liston, G. E., Vidale, P. L., Vaganov, E., Chambers, S.

This paper summarizes and analyses available data on the surface energy balance of Arctic tundra and boreal forest. The complex interactions between ecosystems and their surface energy balance are also examined, including climatically induced shifts in ecosystem type that might amplify or reduce the effects of potential climatic …

Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 6 (S1): 84-115 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2000.06015.x Sites: US-Upa

Physiological Models For Scaling Plot Measurements Of CO2 Flux Across An Arctic Tundra Landscape
Vourlitis, G. L., Oechel, W. C., Hope, A., Stow, D., Boynton, B., Verfaillie, J., Zulueta, R., Hastings, S. J.

Journal: Ecological Applications, Volume 10 (1): 60-72 (2000), ISBN . DOI: 10.2307/2640986 Sites: US-Upa

Wintertime CO2 Efflux From Arctic Soils: Implications For Annual Carbon Budgets
Fahnestock, J. T., Jones, M. H., Welker, J. M.

Estimates of annual carbon loss from arctic tundra ecosystems are based nearly entirely on measurements taken during the growing season in part because of methodological limitations but also reflecting the assumption that respiration during winter is near zero. Measurements of CO2 flux during winter, however, indicate …

Journal: Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Volume 13 (3): 775-779 (1999), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/1999gb900006 Sites: US-Upa

Intercomparison Among Chamber, Tower, And Aircraft Net CO2 And Energy Fluxes Measured During The Arctic System Science Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interactions (ARCSS-LAII) Flux Study
Oechel, W. C., Vourlitis, G. L., Brooks, S., Crawford, T. L., Dumas, E.

Measurements of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and energy balance were made using chamber-, tower-, and aircraft-based measurement techniques in Alaskan arctic tundra ecosystems during the 1994–1995 …

Journal: Journal Of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, Volume 103 (D22): 28993-29003 (1998), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/1998jd200015 Sites: US-HVa, US-Upa

Landscape-Scale CO2 , H2O Vapour And Energy Flux Of Moist-Wet Coastal Tundra Ecosystems Over Two Growing Seasons
Vourlitis, G. L., Oechel, W. C.

Journal: The Journal Of Ecology, Volume 85 (5): 575-590 (1997), ISBN . DOI: 10.2307/2960529 Sites: US-Upa

Cold Season CO2 Emission From Arctic Soils
Oechel, W. C., Vourlitis, G., Hastings, S. J.

Recent evidence indicates that significant amounts of C may be lost as CO2 to the atmosphere from tundra ecosystems during the fall, winter and spring months. Because high latitude ecosystems are …

Journal: Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Volume 11 (2): 163-172 (1997), ISBN . DOI: 10.1029/96gb03035 Sites: US-HVa, US-Upa