
Every spring on the Sevilleta grasslands (elevation 5000 ft), strong northeast winds blow the tumbleweeds down the Rio Grande valley. The tumbleweeds stick to anything that stands out—like the AmeriFlux 3-meter flux tower,… More

Good metadata management is especially important when data are shared across a large community.  Therefore, AmeriFlux is encouraging all sites to fill out an instrument operations (Instrument_Ops) BADM template within… More

At the 2015 Ameriflux Principal Investigators Meeting in Washington DC, 35 people participated  in a World Cafe session to brainstorm about the Next Big Ideas in climate research. Below are listed the… More

This year’s AmeriFlux PI Meeting (January 29-30, 2015) was held jointly with the NACP PI Meeting.  We had 128 registered participants, 48 posters, 3 vendors, 11 science talks, 6 breakout… More

Congratulations to Beverly Law, who was honored as 2014 AGU Fellow yesterday at a ceremony during AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California!.  This honor is in recognition of her pioneering contributions… More