The Joint AmeriFlux-NACP PI Meeting is next week—March 27–30, in North Bethesda MD. The agenda is full of highly relevant talks and posters for AmeriFlux researchers, but we want to call… More
Double whammy for January 11: abstracts due for both NACP/AmeriFlux and EGU2017 meetings. Deadlines for these two important meetings: NACP/AmeriFlux PI Joint Meeting REVISED TO >> Jan 11 — Talk… More
The AmeriFlux Tech Team has completed another successful site visit season. This year, eight (8) site visits were completed. Here are a few images from the site visits. The Tech… More
Michael Benson, site manager at Morgan Monroe State Forest (US-MMS), notified the Tech Team of an important safety bulletin that affects many AmeriFlux tower workers. Some ladder safety system sleeves, model… More
From our guest author, Dario Papale I’m happy to announce in name of the whole FLUXNET2015 Team that the new and last update of the FLUXNET2015 dataset has been released…. More
As 2016 comes to a close, we’ll celebrate AmeriFlux’s 20th Anniversary at AGU’s Fall Conference at Moscone Center in San Francisco. This year AmeriFlux will have a town hall (hear all… More
I am pleased to announce the AmeriFlux 20th Anniversary Special Issue in the journal Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. Manuscripts are solicited from across the broad spectrum of research using flux data… More
We are conducting a pilot study to evaluate methods for the estimations of aerodynamic roughness parameters (i.e., roughness length (z0), zero plane displacement height (d)) from single-level eddy covariance measurements…. More
At one of the NGEE Arctic sites in the Seward Peninsula, near the town of Council, Alaska, the Dream Team—myself, Oriana Chafe, Margaret Torn (NG Arctic team lead), Stan Wullschleger (NG… More
This year’s workshop is at Mountain Research Station, close to where the AmeriFlux Annual PI Meeting will take place in Golden CO, directly after this workshop. If you want to… More