2016 AmeriFlux PI Meeting – Agenda

Participants List • Poster Abstracts

2016 Meeting Organizing Committee

Chris Gough, Jingfeng Xiao, Bill Munger, Margaret Torn, and Trevor Keenan. (Logistics support: Susan Sprinkle, Marilyn Saarni.)
Email the organizing committee: AmeriFlux-Meetings@lbl.gov.

Wednesday, September 21

3-6 pm—Informal events, including hike up to South Table Mountain (Park is right behind the hotel). Rooms available for ad hoc meetings. Participants from the Data & Tech Workshop will be in transit from Niwot Ridge to Golden.

5–6 pm—AmeriFlux Science Steering Committee Meeting—Telluride Room

7:00 pm—Dinner (provided) with special session on “Tales to tell from decades of flux research”—Salon D

9:30 pm—Fire pit, music (BYO instrument)

Thursday, September 22

8:00 am—Breakfast—Provided!

8:30 am—Welcome: Bill Munger & Trevor Keenan, meeting co-chairs; Jared DeForest, US DOE TES program; Margaret Torn, Lead AmeriFlux Management Project—Salon D

9:00 am—Eugenie Euschirken: Long-term release of carbon dioxide from tundra ecosystems in northern Alaska (invited)—Salon D

9:20 am—Chris Williams: Carbon Dynamics of US Forests: Current Rates, Drivers and Trends, and Emerging Methods (invited)—Salon D

9:40 am—Rick Wehr: Dissecting the Eddy Fluxes of CO2 and Water Vapor in a Deciduous Forest (invited)—Salon D

10:00 am—Joe Berry: Fluorescence from Satellites and Towers: A new approach for quantifying GPP (invited)—Salon D

10:20 am—Break

10:40 am—Benjamin Runkle: Neighboring fields, neighboring towers: testing climate-smart irrigation strategies to reduce methane emissions from rice fields—Salon D

11:00 am—David Hollinger: Is decreasing ozone contributing to an increase in carbon sequestration at the Howland Forest?Salon D

11:20 am—Joel Biedermann: Terrestrial ecosystem carbon exchange across semiarid southwestern North America—Salon D

11:40 am—NEON: Stephan Metzger: NEON’s first release of eddy-covariance data products and software tools—Salon D


1:15 pm—FLUXNET 2015 data product release: Dario Papale—Salon D

  • Processing pipeline. U*, gap, Partition, UQ, etc. Data handling.
  • The Output: Variables, …
  • The Release: sites, locations, site-years, etc.
  • Usage: best practices for scientific practice. Also community practice
  • Usage: how do you get data, what is in the download.
  • What do you want next?

2:00 pm—Demo AmeriFlux website—new Site Info pages and new Site Sets: Rachel Hollowgrass—Salon D

2:15 pm—Break

2:35 pm—Introduction to breakout sessions—Salon D

2:45 pm—Breakout session, round #1

  • 1A. Synthesis discussion—open forum to explore topics (FOCUS on large-scale and long term touches on response to extremes)—led by Forrest Hoffman, Marcy Litvak—Telluride Room
  • 1B. Processing best practices and methods including tools and workflows—led by  Stefan Metzger, Cove Sturtevant, Dario Papale, Deb Agarwal—F/G Salon
  • CANCELLED:  1C. From BADm to good – using BADM for research. BADM-lite, web portal

3:45 pm—Breakout session, round #2

  • 2A. Synthesis discussion—open forum to explore topics (FOCUS on extracting physiological process understanding, including plant traits, phenology, etc.)—led by Peter Curtis—Telluride Room
  • 2B. Measurement best practices and technical details—Sebastien Biraud, Dave Billesbach, Sean Burns,  Chad Hanson—Keystone Room
  • 2C. Remote sensing – optical sensing from in-situ to space; what’s available and what do we learn from it—Salon F/G

4:45 pm—Poster session / Vendor displays—Salon E

  • Odd number presenters:  please stand by your posters 4:45-5:45
  • Even number presenters:  please stand by your posters 5:45-6:45

7 pm—Dinner (on your own)

  • Self-organized
  • To meet at “Yard House,” shuttle leaves in front of hotel at 7pm and 7:15pm
  • Fire pit at hotel (BYO instrument)

Friday, September 23

7:30-8:45 am—Breakfast—Provided!

7:45-8:45 am—AmeriFlux Core Site PI Meeting: Budgets, BADM and Opportunities—Telluride Room

8:45 am—Quick announcements—Salon D

8:50 am—HaPe Schmidt: The ScaleX campaign: scale-crossing land-surface and boundary layer processes in the TERENO-preAlpine observatory—Salon D

9:05 am—Forrest Hoffman: Understanding the evolving representativeness of measurement networks for scaling carbon flux, optimizing network coverage, and benchmarking models (invited)—Salon D

9:20 am—Marcy Litvak: Smorgasbord of new findings from across the NMEG (invited)—Salon D

9:35 am—Breakout session, round #3

  • 3A. Emerging measurements and sensors, including Non-CO2 GHGs—led by Sigrid Dengel, Rick Wehr—Telluride Room
  • 3B. Belowground soil carbon, biogeochemistry—led by Karis McFarlane, Adrien Finzi—Keystone Room
  • 3C. Land use change, disturbances, and management activity—led by Asko Noormets, Jeff Wood—Salon F/G

10:40 am—Break

11:00 am—Breakout panel reports to group, planning synthesis projects—Salon D

Noon Lunch—Provided!

Noon—Deb Agarwal: Upcoming changes to the AmeriFlux data processing system—Salon D

1:30 pm—Demonstrations for the rest of the afternoon Location to be announced

  • New generation drones and scanning LIDAR (Chad Hanson)
  • SIF front end and photos/data from the Amazon (Ari Kornfield)

~2:30 pm—Break (informal) 

4 pm—Meeting adjourns!  Travel safely!

Go to:  2016 AmeriFlux PI Meeting Participants2016 AmeriFlux PI Meeting Poster Abstracts • AmeriFlux Meetings and Workshops2016 AmeriFlux Data & Tech Workshop  • AmeriFlux PI Meeting Registration

Last updated 9/14/16 at 8:40pm