The ‘amerifluxr’ [pronounced: uh-merr-ee-fluhks-arrr] — an R package that allows querying, downloading, and handling AmeriFlux data and metadata — is now released through the CRAN repository. The package was developed by Housen Chu and Koen Huffkens, with support from the AmeriFlux Management Project.
The target users include those who intend to use data from many (e.g., hundreds) AmeriFlux sites, or who handle data from multiple data repositories (e.g., AmeriFlux, PhenoCam, MODIS, ECMWF). The package provides a programmatic interface to the AmeriFlux API, allowing a more integrated and repeatable workflow for querying, batch-downloading, and handling AmeriFlux data. A typical workflow from site selection, data download, to data import using the package is illustrated in Figure 1 (Dark-grey boxes). In addition, the package also supports site queries using additional information, e.g., data and metadata availability, variable available years, and data summaries (Light-grey boxes in Figure 1). Figure 2 shows an example of an interactive heatmap plot for visualizing the data availability using the amf_plot_datayear() function.
![Figure 1: A typical 'amerifluxr' workflow](
Figure 1: A typical workflow of site selection and data import using the ‘amerifluxr’ package. Dark- and light-grey boxes indicate the primary and optional steps in the workflow, respectively. The corresponding functions in each step are listed beneath each box (serif font).
![Figure 2: An interactive variable availability plot](
Figure 2: An example of the interactive heatmap plot for visualizing the data availability using the amf_plot_datayear() function.
Additional Reading
- ‘amerifluxr’ Site Page details the package installation, use, and citation.
- Site Selection Vignette demonstrates examples of site queries based on sites’ general information and availability of metadata and data.
- Data Import Vignette demonstrates examples to downloaded, import, parse, and clean data for further use.
Look for other available software or packages related to flux processing. Check our Resources page.
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