We are seeking a highly motivated scholar to work on an interdisciplinary project focusing on CO2 and water fluxes in a mixed-conifer-redwoods forest in Northern California. We have an experimental setup that includes two tall eddy-covariance flux towers over early- and mid-seral redwoods stands, along with additional ecosystem measurement instrumentation. The potential candidate will also investigate the exciting challenges of understanding and quantifying net flux contributions due to canopy fluxes and scalar advection over complex, sloping terrains.

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The Center for Ecosystem Science and Society at Northern AZ University is hiring a Postdoctoral Researcher to use radiocarbon measurements of plants to understand fossil fuel emissions in Arizona urban spaces!

Positions involve fieldwork and/or data synthesis.

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The Center for Ecosystem Science and Society at Northern AZ University is hiring Postdoctoral Researchers to build the Arctic Carbon Warning Network, providing real-time carbon cycle updates to society!

Positions involve fieldwork and/or data synthesis.

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The Center for Ecosystem Science and Society at Northern AZ University is hiring Postdoctoral Researchers to build the Arctic Carbon Warning Network, providing real-time carbon cycle updates to society!

Positions involve fieldwork and/or data synthesis.

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Biosphere 2 at the University of Arizona (UA) is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate to conduct quality assessment and analysis in the Biosphere 2 tropical rainforest. Candidates should hold a PhD in forest ecology, plant physiology, hydrology, or environmental science or engineering upon hire. Expertise in technical field measurements, the use of dataloggers, and instruments for monitoring dynamic physiological and environmental conditions. Candidates with empirical, theoretical, or modeling backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Please apply at: https://arizona.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/4/home/requisition/18252?c=arizona

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We are seeking to fill a GS-11/12 Postdoctoral research position with the USDA-Agricultural Research Service at the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center. The successful candidate gets to choose between two research projects that seek to understand the carbon dynamics of the sagebrush steppe. The research foci options are (1) addressing how carbon fluxes (CO2 and CH4) change when cattle are grazing native forage in the sagebrush steppe, or (2) determining best sampling and practices for managing soil carbon in the sagebrush steppe. Both projects are part of a larger network of researchers addressing these questions and the candidate will be fully involved in making research decisions and communicating results as an active member of the research networks.

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The postdoc will play an active role in both the field component of this project and the
data synthesis effort. Potential activities include operation and interpretation of eddy
covariance flux (methane, carbon dioxide) measurements, supervising personnel and
interfacing with other team members making measurements of isotopes, soils, vegetation,
and associated environmental measurements. The postdoc will be expected to organize,
analyze, and maintain large data sets generated from a number of sensors and gas
exchange measurement systems, and participate in data analysis and publications.

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