We are conducting a campaign to collect AmeriFlux users’ most commonly requested ancillary information: height and instrument information. Thank you to the site teams from 70 sites who already supplied this information!
Flux tower teams can now use our new Variable Information online tool to submit or review installation heights and instrument information: https://ameriflux.lbl.gov/sites/variable-information/ (AmeriFlux login required). Login permissions allow site team members only. To add site team members, site managers should go to their Site Overview page (see the Site List), and use the “Edit Site Info” button.
This online tool also helps us map past data to the FP-In format—the new upload format that uses standard variable names, units, and file format, and supports many more variables than earlier formats. See Half-Hourly/Hourly Data Upload Format for details about the FP_In format, timestamps, variable names and qualifiers. For sites that have not re-submitted data in FP-In format, we will use the information in this tool to translate data in older formats to FP-In. Site PIs can then easily confirm whether data mapping is correct, and edit if needed.
Site PIs should have received an email with “QAQC” in the subject line, which provides directions specific to each site. If you are the PI of multiple sites, you may have received different instructions for your sites, based on their history. Be sure to follow the site-specific instructions. When you log into the tool, you’ll see a short video guide and a short task list, customized just for that tower site.
Site team members listed on the site’s BADM Site General Information will have access using their AmeriFlux login credentials. You can add or update team members via the BADM Editor, which is linked via the “Edit Site Info” button at the bottom of your Site Overview page, or on the BADM tab. See https://ameriflux.lbl.gov/sites/site-list-and-pages/.
Contact us with your questions.
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