The AmeriFlux FLUXNET data product generated by the AmeriFlux Management Project (AMP) is now available to download for 21 sites (and counting) via Download Data.

The AmeriFlux FLUXNET data product is now available at Download Data.
The AmeriFlux FLUXNET data product is …
- Continuous flux / met time series data with
- Gap-filling
- Flux partitioning
- Uncertainty analysis
- and more!
- Available in 5 temporal resolutions: half-hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annually
- Shared under the AmeriFlux CC-BY-4.0 Data Use Policy
- Generated by AMP using ONEFlux codes
- Compatible with the FLUXNET2015 dataset (available at and the ONEFlux Beta evaluation version
Visit Data Availability to learn which sites have AmeriFlux FLUXNET available.
Reasons to use the AmeriFlux FLUXNET data product:
- The data are high-quality and pass QA/QC review both before and after processing.
- Consistent methods are used for gap-filling and flux partitioning across all sites.
- The data are compatible with the global FLUXNET2015 product and other datasets produced with the ONEFlux codes.
- AMP works closely with each site team to choose the most representative observations for the site’s footprint.
More information can be found at Data Processing Pipelines on the AmeriFlux website.
Going forward, AMP will continue to release the AmeriFlux FLUXNET product for additional sites as we process them. In addition, AMP will update a site’s product as new data are submitted.
Site Teams – please help us generate a AmeriFlux FLUXNET data product for your site! You can start preparing your site for ONEFlux Processing now:
- See instructions at ONEFlux Processing
- Attend the “Step-by-Step: Ready your site for ONEFlux Processing” AMP Webinar on May 4, 9-10am Pacific for more details. Register here.
- Email with any questions
In case you are wondering, a data product is a set of observations (i.e., variables) that have been standardized into a common format and/or produced using a common method.
The following data products are available via the AmeriFlux website:
- AmeriFlux FLUXNET
- AmeriFlux BASE: continuous flux/met data generated by site teams and quality checked by AMP
- BADM: Biological, Ancillary, Disturbance, and Metadata
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