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FLUXNET Spring Workshop

We are honored to invite you to participate in the FLUXNET Spring Workshop, which will occur on the days 15 and 16 of April 2021. The workshop promotes the Year... More


AMP Webinar: AMP for data users: how to use AmeriFlux data

AmeriFlux data has many uses, from understanding carbon cycling and ecophysiology to benchmarking models and remote sensing observations. In this webinar we will explore different approaches to using AmeriFlux data,... More


Land-Atmosphere Interactions Workshop


In support of the AmeriFlux “Year of Water Fluxes”, and in collaboration with community representation from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility and Atmospheric System... More


Early Career Researchers Spotlight 3/3: español

Five presentations from Early Career researchers will highlight the various research projects in the AmeriFlux community. The presentations will be held in Spanish.
