Publication Search
Steininger, M. K.
Estimates of net carbon exchange resulting from forest clearance and regrowth were made for three areas in the Brazilian and Bolivian Amazon. The study areas, ranging in size from 600 to 10 000 km2, include communities that practice a range of land uses from small-scale, rotational agriculture to long-term pasture. Carbon …
Journal: Ecological Applications, Volume 14 (sp4): 313-322 (2004), ISBN . DOI: 10.1890/02-6007 Sites: BR-Sa3
Baker, T. R., Phillips, O. L., Malhi, Y., Almeida, S., Arroyo, L., Di Fiore, A., Erwin, T., Killeen, T. J., Laurance, S. G., Laurance, W. F., Lewis, S. L., Lloyd, J., Monteagudo, A., Neill, D. A., Patino, S., Pitman, N. C., M. Silva, J. N., Vasquez Martinez, R.
Uncertainty in biomass estimates is one of the greatest limitations to models of carbon flux in tropical forests. Previous comparisons of field-based estimates of the aboveground biomass (AGB) of trees greater than 10 cm diameter within Amazonia have been limited by the paucity of data for western Amazon forests, and the use of …
Journal: Global Change Biology, Volume 10 (5): 545-562 (2004), ISBN . DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2004.00751.x Sites: BR-Ma2, BR-Sa1, BR-Sa3
Keller, M., Alencar, A., Asner, G. P., Braswell, B., Bustamante, M., Davidson, E., Feldpausch, T., Fernandes, E., Goulden, M., Kabat, P., Kruijt, B., Luizão, F., Miller, S., Markewitz, D., Nobre, A. D., Nobre, C. A., Priante Filho, N., da Rocha, H., Silva Dias, P., von Randow, C., Vourlitis, G. L.
The Large-scale Biosphere–Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) is a multinational, interdisciplinary research program led by Brazil. Ecological studies in LBA focus on how tropical forest conversion, …
Journal: Ecological Applications, Volume 14 (sp4): 3-16 (2004), ISBN . DOI: 10.1890/03-6003 Sites: BR-Ma2, BR-Sa1, BR-Sa3
Chambers, J. Q., Tribuzy, E. S., Toledo, L. C., Crispim, B. F., Higuchi, N., Santos, J. d., Araújo, A. C., Kruijt, B., Nobre, A. D., Trumbore, S. E.
Understanding how tropical forest carbon balance will respond to global change requires knowledge of individual heterotrophic and autotrophic respiratory sources, together with factors that control respiratory …
Journal: Ecological Applications, Volume 14 (sp4): 72-88 (2004), ISBN . DOI: 10.1890/01-6012 Sites: BR-Ma2, BR-Sa1, BR-Sa3
Miller, S. D., Goulden, M. L., Menton, M. C., da Rocha, H. R., de Freitas, H. C., Figueira, A. M., Dias de Sousa, C. A.
We used two independent approaches, biometry and micrometeorology, to determine the net ecosystem production (NEP) of an old growth forest in Pará, Brazil. Biometric inventories indicated that the forest was either a source or, at most, a modest sink of carbon from 1984 to 2000 (+0.8 ± 2 Mg C·ha−1·yr−1; …
Journal: Ecological Applications, Volume 14 (sp4): 114-126 (2004), ISBN . DOI: 10.1890/02-6005 Sites: BR-Sa3
Riggan, P. J., Tissell, R. G., Lockwood, R. N., Brass, J. A., Pereira, J. A., Miranda, H. S., Miranda, A. C., Campos, T., Higgins, R.
Temperature, intensity, spread, and dimensions of fires burning in tropical savanna and slashed tropical forest in central Brazil were measured for the first time by remote sensing with an infrared imaging spectrometer that was designed to accommodate the high radiances of wildland fires. Furthermore, the first in situ airborne measurements …
Journal: Ecological Applications, Volume 14 (3): 855-872 (2004), ISBN . DOI: 10.1890/02-5162 Sites: BR-Sa1, BR-Sa3
Asner, G. P., Keller, M., Pereira, Jr, R., Zweede, J. C., Silva, J. N.
We combined a detailed field study of canopy gap fraction with spectral mixture analyses of Landsat 7 ETM+ satellite imagery to assess landscape and regional dynamics of canopy damage following selective logging in an eastern Amazon forest. Our field studies encompassed measurements of ground damage and canopy gap fractions along …
Journal: Ecological Applications, Volume 14 (sp4): 280-298 (2004), ISBN . DOI: 10.1890/01-6019 Sites: BR-Sa3
Saleska, S. R., Miller, S. D., Matross, D. M., Goulden, M. L., Wofsy, S. C., Rocha, H. R. da, Camargo, P. B. de, Crill, P., Daube, B. C., Freitas, H. C. de, Hutyra, L., Keller, M., Kirchhoff, V., Menton, M., Munger, J. W., Pyle, E. H., Rice, A. H., Silva, H.