The AmeriFlux Portable Eddy Covariance System (PECS) is used to evaluate data quality at sites in the AmeriFlux network. The PECS is deployed side-by-side for short deployments (10-14 days). The current PECS was… More
The AmeriFlux Tech Team has completed another successful site visit season. Nine (9) site visits were completed.
From the AmeriFlux-Community listserv. Thanks to Joydeep Bhattacharjee for asking, and David for this answer Joydeep: How do PIs across the network protect their equipment on towers against damage from… More
By Chad Hanson, AMP Tech Team. Many flux sites do not have access to line power, and run on solar power. This post shares my recent experience of building a simple solar system,… More
Guest blog by David Moore, who organizes this annual course, with the help of many others. Fluxcourse 2015 – 8th annual summer course in flux measurements and advanced modeling We will… More
2014 AGU Tech Team poster
Safely buckled up: Chad Hanson, Sébastien Biraud and Stephen Chan at the Wind River Site. Photographer: Matthew Schroeder, Wind River site staff. Check out the AmeriFlux Safety page. You can… More
The AmeriFlux QA/QC Tech Team is currently concluding the 2014 site visit season. 8 site visits have been completed and 1 more is scheduled. This season, the team visited 4 sites for the first time (US-Dia, US-Cpk, US-Ha2, US-Myb).