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Search Results for: reynolds creek

4210 estimated matches
  • AmeriFlux
    BADM for This Site. Access the Biological, Ancillary, Disturbance and Metadata (BADM) information and data for this site. BADM contain information for many uses, such as characterizing a site’s vegetation and soil, describing disturbance history, and defining instrumentation for flux processing.
  • AmeriFlux
    Bonanza Creek Old Thermokarst Bog. Description: In the footrpint of the flux tower at a thermokarst bogged formed ~500 years ago in Interior Alaska.
  • AmeriFlux
    A wind rose gives a succinct view of how wind speed and direction are typically distributed at a particular location.Presented in a circular format, a wind rose shows the frequency and intensity of winds blowing from particular directions. The length of each “spoke” around the circle indicates the amount of time (frequency) that the wind blows from a particular direction.
  • AmeriFlux
    This page displays the list of downloads of data for the site {{siteId}}. Note: Results are the number of downloads to distinct data users. The Download Count column indicates the number of times the data user downloaded the data.
  • AmeriFlux
    BADM for This Site. Access the Biological, Ancillary, Disturbance and Metadata (BADM) information and data for this site. BADM contain information for many uses, such as characterizing a site’s vegetation and soil, describing disturbance history, and defining instrumentation for flux processing.
  • AmeriFlux
    The Imnavait Creek Watershed Wet Sedge Tundra (Fen Station) is located near Imnavait Creek in Alaska, north of the Brooks Range in the Kuparuk basin near ... The Imnavait Creek Watershed Wet Sedge Tundra (Fen Station) is located near Imnavait Creek in Alaska, north of the Brooks Range in the Kuparuk basin near Lake Toolik and the Toolik Field ...
  • AmeriFlux
    Old Woman Creek is a natural freshwater estuary connected to Lake Erie in northern Ohio. It is one of few natuaral estuary systems left in Ohio.
  • About AmeriFlux Core Sites
    Current Core Sites with Contacts *Signifies this is the “primary” site for that core site cluster. Harvard Forest. US-Ha1* • Harvard Forest EMS Tower (HFR1): deciduous broadleaf forest US-Ha2 • Harvard Forest Hemlock Site: evergreen needleleaf forest: primarily hemlock; Bill Munger, Harvard University,
  • Site Info for US-SHC- AmeriFlux
    This tower is located at the Sagehen Creek Field Station of UC Berkeley. The 30m tower near the station has been used for meteorological measurements since ... The 30m tower near the station has been used for meteorological measurements since at least 2006 and EC flux measurements were started in late June 2017.
  • AmeriFlux BASE US-WCr Willow Creek
    We were lucky enough to have the total eclipse of 2024 pass directly above the Old Woman Creek (OWC) flux site (run by Gil Bohrer’s team from Ohio State University;… More. in Homepage 1. Indiana University scientists forecast a high likelihood of cloud cover during the eclipse.