Predicting how forest carbon cycling will change in response to climate change and management depends on the collective knowledge from measurements across environmental gradients, ecosystem manipulations of global change factors,… More
Empirical and modeling studies have shown that the magnitude and duration of the primary production response to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) can be constrained by limiting supplies of soil nitrogen… More
Measured surface-atmosphere fluxes of energy (sensible heat, H, and latent heat, LE) and CO2 (FCO2) represent the “true” flux plus or minus potential random and systematic measurement errors. Here, we… More
A spectrum of models that estimate assimilation rate A from intercellular carbon dioxide concentration (Ci) and measured stomatal conductance to CO2 (gc) were investigated using leaf-level gas exchange measurements. The… More
Missing data is a ubiquitous problem in evaluating long-term experimental measurements, such as those associated with the FluxNet project, due to the equipment failures, system maintenance, power-failure, and lightning strikes… More
We compared four existing process-based stand-level models of varying complexity (physiological principles in predicting growth, photosynthesis and evapotranspiration, biogeochemical cycles, and stand to ecosystem carbon and evapotranspiration simulator) and a… More
Allocation of C to belowground plant structures is one of the most important, yet least well quantified fluxes of C in terrestrial ecosystems. In a literature review of mature forests… More
Differences in the seasonal pattern of assimilatory and respiratory processes are responsible for divergences in seasonal net carbon exchange among ecosystems. Using FLUXNET data ( we have analyzed seasonal patterns… More
This paper reports the first effort to include carbon, water, and heat exchange in a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model for 3D canopy flows with dynamic response of leaf temperature… More
The variability in land surface heat (H), water vapor (LE), and CO2 (or net ecosystem exchange, NEE) fluxes was investigated at scales ranging from fractions of seconds to years using… More