When: Thursday, June 10 – Friday, June 11, 2021
Registered users: please check your inbox for the welcome email sent by Andrew Richardson. The WORKSHOP DASHBOARD contains links to zoom and all materials!
Deadline: May 25 for registration, abstract submission, and poster submission
Questions? Contact landatmosphere2021@gmail.com
In support of the AmeriFlux “Year of Water Fluxes”, and in collaboration with community representation from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) User Facility and Atmospheric System Research (ASR) program, we are pleased to announce the Open and Virtual Workshop, “Improving understanding of land-atmosphere interactions through integration of surface flux and atmospheric boundary layer measurements”.
The workshop will address the following questions:
- What are the high-priority research questions that can be addressed with existing measurements (e.g., data from AmeriFlux sites with collocated instrumentation for boundary layer measurements, or nearby radiosonde/profile measurements)?
- What new boundary layer measurements should be prioritized, and where? What are the cutting-edge research questions that could be addressed with these new measurements?
- What is needed to increase interdisciplinary collaboration between ecologists/biogeoscientists and atmospheric scientists? How can we best share tools that are necessary to process, analyze, and interpret boundary layer measurements?
- How can this kind of collaboration improve predictive understanding of biosphere-atmosphere interactions and land-atmosphere coupling?
Workshop Format
This will be an online and interactive workshop, hosted through Zoom. Overview talks by global leaders will highlight new and emerging opportunities for research, and inspire vigorous discussion in our breakout groups. Talks will be pre-recorded and streamed during the workshop but will also be available asynchronous viewing. The workshop will include a virtual poster session, and early career scientists, in particular, are encouraged to submit an abstract and bring a poster for presentation via Gather. Abstracts must be submitted and posters uploaded, by May 25. View our agenda.
View the abstract book.
Registration will be completely free and open to interested researchers around the World.
The registration portal will open soon, and will close on May 25.
Confirmed Speakers (click here for more info)
Manuel Helbig, Dalhousie University
Allison Steiner, University of Michigan
Pierre Gentine, Columbia University
Joe Santanello, NASA/GSFC
Chongai Kuang, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Kirsten Findell, GFDL/NOAA
Kim Novick, Indiana University
Ian Williams, Iowa State University
Jordi Vila Guerau-de Arellano, Wageningen University
Jiwen Fan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Celia Faiola, University of California, Irvine
Jennifer Comstock, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Organizing Committee
Andrew Richardson, Northern Arizona University
Manuel Helbig, Dalhousie University
Celia Faiola, University of California, Irvine
Ana Maria Yáñez-Serrano, CREAF
Zulia Mayari Sanchez Mejia, Sonora Institute of Technology
Yunyan Zhang, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Eric Beamesderfer, Northern Arizona University