Beginning in 2014, the AmeriFlux Management Project (AMP) has pioneered a program that allows scientists to rapidly initiate ecosystem flux measurements to take advantage of special research opportunities. Specifically, we make available loaner flux systems (Rapid Response Systems; RRS) suitable for quick deployment to help scientists capture valuable research opportunities that arise unexpectedly or have limited measurement windows. Such situations might include: measuring ecosystem fluxes following disturbances (e.g. wildfire, pest infestation), or ecosystem recovery (e.g. habitat restoration).
Compared to natural and working lands, there is limited community experience or literature on using eddy covariance to generate robust estimates of urban land fluxes. In 2021, In support of the growing interest in using the eddy covariance technique in urban environments, AMP assembled a working group of 10 experts in urban fluxes to distill applications, challenges, and recommendations for eddy covariance measurements in urban environments. The committee produced a short document posted with other white papers on the AmeriFlux website (see: AMP augmented its pool of RRS and added two dedicated to deployment in urban environments.
These will be loaned for a maximum of three years for each opportunity. Selection of recipients is managed by Margaret Torn and Sebastien Biraud (, and a subcommittee of the AmeriFlux Science Steering Committee ( AMP pays for shipping to the loanee(s) but loanee(s) are responsible for return costs to AMP. If a RRS is damaged beyond repair, AMP expects the loanee (or their institution) to cover replacement costs.
A RRS is a stand-alone instrument package with a full complement of flux (carbon dioxide, water, and energy), meteorological (relative humidity, air temperature, barometric pressure), and radiation sensors (4-component net radiometer, and photosynthetically active radiation). Methane sensors are also provided for the deployment of RRS in Urban Environments. At this time, below-ground sensors are not provided. Sensors are fully calibrated before they are loaned. The make and model of sensors may vary between loaner systems. We will make accommodations for PI-preferred instrumentation requests but cannot guarantee that all requests are met. Systems will require assembly, programming, installation by the site teams. The AmeriFlux Tech Team will manage delivery, advise the recipient on deployment, and maintain the system when it is returned. Power and tower infrastructure are not standard components of the RRS and historically have been provided by the RRS requester.
Any scientist in the AmeriFlux domain (the Americas) is eligible to apply; it is not restricted to current AmeriFlux site PIs. Successful applicants will be required to demonstrate sufficient technical knowledge and site security for a successful deployment, register the rapid-response site as an AmeriFlux site, and upload data promptly and regularly.
Current Deployments
- US-CN1; Corteva Agriscience (May 2023 – July 2026).
- US-Px4; Urban IFL at Arizona State U (March 2024 – April 2026). More info on the AmeriFlux blog.
- US-NC5; North Carolina State University (June 2024-Sept 2027)
- SETx Urban IFL; Texas (Dec 2024 – Nov 2027)
- CROCUS Urban IFL; Illinois (Jan 2025 – Nov 2027)
- Woodwell RTS; Alaska (Jan 2025 – Nov 2028)
Past Deployments
- US-Vcs; New Mexico. Dates (2014 – 2018).
- US-KS3; Florida. Dates (Mar 2017 – Feb 2020). More info on the AmeriFlux blog.
- US-HRN; Arkansas. Dates (May 2019 – Nov 2020). More info on the AmeriFlux blog.
- US-CdM; Utah. Dates (Jun 2019 – Oct 2023). More info on the AmeriFlux blog.
- US-Me2; Oregon. (Sept 2021 – Oct 2024).
Application Process
- Send an email to or
- Provide your name, institution, AmeriFlux siteIDs (if any), and contact information
- Describe the research opportunity and the value of taking measurements quickly
- Describe your technical capability to collect high quality data
- Describe the location of the site, including coordinates, access, land ownership, vegetation cover, and existing (or forthcoming) infrastructure (power, communications, towers, etc). Include a Google Earth image of the site, marked with prevailing wind direction.
- Describe the site’s security, and any potential risks to instruments on site.
- Propose start and end dates of the loan
An AMP team member will contact you, and discuss your application.