2016 AmeriFlux PI Meeting

Breakout session at the 2016 AmeriFlux PI Meeting

The Joint AmeriFlux-NACP PI Meeting is next week—March 27–30, in North Bethesda MD. The agenda is full of highly relevant talks and posters for AmeriFlux researchers, but we want to call your attention to two events in particular.

(1) Tuesday evening 3/28 , 7pm, room White Oak A: The AmeriFlux Community Meeting. We have a packed agenda that includes discussion on new synthesis ideas and activities, an overview of the upcoming FLUXNET 2017 workshop (June 7–9 in Berkeley CA), a discussion on education resources for flux scientists, updates from the AmeriFlux Management Project and future priorities, along with updates from the broader community. If there is anything else you think we should have pre-assigned space to discuss then please feel free to let us know.

(2) Wednesday morning 3/29, 10am, room White Oak A: The AmeriFlux breakout session. This session is to both inform the wider community of the new data products coming from AmeriFlux, and get feedback from current users and data contributors. We want your wish-list! So if you are a data user or contributor ,please join us to help make the network better for everyone.

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting!

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