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PI: Russell Scott - USDA-ARS
Technician: Ross Bryant - USDA
Lat, Long: 31.6637, -110.1777
Elevation(m): 1199
Network Affiliations: AmeriFlux
Vegetation IGBP: DBF (Deciduous Broadleaf Forests: Lands dominated by woody vegetation with a percent cover >60% and height exceeding 2 meters. Consists of broadleaf tree communities with an annual cycle of leaf-on and leaf-off periods.)
Climate Koeppen: Bsh (Steppe: very cold winter)
Mean Annual Temp (°C): 17
Mean Annual Precip. (mm): 288
Flux Species Measured: CO2, H2O
Years Data Collected: 2001 - Present
Years Data Available:

AmeriFlux BASE 2000 - 2021   Data Citation

Data Use Policy:AmeriFlux CC-BY-4.0 Policy1
Site is a riparian mesquite woodland located along an old alluvial terrace along the banks of the San Pedro River in southeastern Arizona. Site climate ...
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  1. This site’s data can also be used under the more restrictive AmeriFlux Legacy Policy.
    The AmeriFlux Legacy Policy must be followed if this site’s data are combined with data from sites that require the AmeriFlux Legacy Policy.
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Image Credit: Greg Barron-Gafford, 05/18/2017
Copyright preference: As long as credit is given
Site Publication More Site Publications
Scott, R. L., Edwards, E. A., Shuttleworth, W., Huxman, T. E., Watts, C., Goodrich, D. C. 2004. Interannual And Seasonal Variation In Fluxes Of Water And Carbon Dioxide From A Riparian Woodland Ecosystem, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 122:1-2, 65-84.

Use the information below for citation of this site. See the Data Policy page for more details.

DOI(s) for citing US-CMW data

Data Use Policy: AmeriFlux CC-BY-4.0 License

This site’s data can also be used under the more restrictive AmeriFlux Legacy Policy.
The AmeriFlux Legacy Policy must be followed if US-CMW data are combined with data from sites that require the AmeriFlux Legacy Policy.

  • AmeriFlux BASE:
    Citation: Russell Scott (2022), AmeriFlux BASE US-CMW Charleston Mesquite Woodland, Ver. 2-5, AmeriFlux AMP, (Dataset).

To cite BADM when downloaded on their own, use the publications below for citing site characterization. When using BADM that are downloaded with AmeriFlux BASE and AmeriFlux FLUXNET products, use the DOI citation for the associated data product.

Publication(s) for citing site characterization



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Note: Results are the number of downloads to distinct data users. The Download Count column indicates the number of times the data user downloaded the data. The Version column refers to the version of the data product for the site that was downloaded by the data user.

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 Showing {{startItem + 1}} to {{(startItem + items) > filtered.length ? filtered.length : (startItem + items)}} of {{filtered.length}} results  Showing 0 to 0 of 0 results
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Date Name Data Product Version Intended Use Intended Use Description Download Count
{{dlObject.timeStamp}} {{dlObject.displayName}} {{displayProduct(dlObject.dataProduct)}} {{dlObject.version}} {{dlObject.intendedUse}} {{dlObject.comment}} {{dlObject.downloadCounter}}
No results to display
Date Name Data Product Vers. Intended Use Intended Use Description Download Count
{{dlObject.timeStamp}} {{dlObject.displayName}} {{displayProduct(dlObject.dataProduct)}} {{dlObject.version}} {{dlObject.intendedUse}} {{dlObject.comment}} {{dlObject.downloadCounter}}

 Showing {{startItem + 1}} to {{(startItem + items) > filtered.length ? filtered.length : (startItem + items)}} of {{filtered.length}} results

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Year Publication
2006 SCOTT, R. L., HUXMAN, T. E., WILLIAMS, D. G., GOODRICH, D. C. (2006) Ecohydrological Impacts Of Woody-Plant Encroachment: Seasonal Patterns Of Water And Carbon Dioxide Exchange Within A Semiarid Riparian Environment, Global Change Biology, 12(2), 311-324.
2008 Scott, R., Cable, W., Huxman, T., Nagler, P., Hernandez, M., Goodrich, D. (2008) Multiyear Riparian Evapotranspiration And Groundwater Use For A Semiarid Watershed, Journal Of Arid Environments, 72(7), 1232-1246.
2014 Scott, R. L., Huxman, T. E., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Darrel Jenerette, G., Young, J. M., Hamerlynck, E. P. (2014) When Vegetation Change Alters Ecosystem Water Availability, Global Change Biology, 20(7), 2198-2210.
2006 SCOTT, R. L., HUXMAN, T. E., WILLIAMS, D. G., GOODRICH, D. C. (2006) Ecohydrological Impacts Of Woody-Plant Encroachment: Seasonal Patterns Of Water And Carbon Dioxide Exchange Within A Semiarid Riparian Environment, Global Change Biology, 12(2), 311-324.
2014 Scott, R. L., Huxman, T. E., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Darrel Jenerette, G., Young, J. M., Hamerlynck, E. P. (2014) When Vegetation Change Alters Ecosystem Water Availability, Global Change Biology, 20(7), 2198-2210.
2007 Yepez, E. A., Scott, R. L., Cable, W. L., Williams, D. G. (2007) Intraseasonal Variation In Water And Carbon Dioxide Flux Components In A Semiarid Riparian Woodland, Ecosystems, 10(7), 1100-1115.
2004 Scott, R. L., Edwards, E. A., Shuttleworth, W., Huxman, T. E., Watts, C., Goodrich, D. C. (2004) Interannual And Seasonal Variation In Fluxes Of Water And Carbon Dioxide From A Riparian Woodland Ecosystem, Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 122(1-2), 65-84.

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No wind rose data is available at this time.