Please save the date for this year’s AmeriFlux Annual Meeting: Sept 20-22 2021.
Once again, we will host the meeting fully online. Given the turmoil of the past year, we thought the theme ‘Reflect | Connect: AmeriFlux in 2021’ appropriate, and look forward to connecting with you all this Fall. There will be no registration or abstract submission costs, and as always the meeting is open to all members of the community.
We are in the early planning stages for the meeting, so all feedback and suggestions are welcome. Please feel free to reach out to any of the organizing committee members (listed below) with your thoughts.
Registration will open in August, at which time we’ll be accepting abstracts and suggestions for breakout topics, so start thinking about how you would like to be involved.
Check our website for more details.
Sparkle Malone
Theresia Yazbeck
Paul Stoy

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