We investigated soil carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) exchanges in an age-sequence (4, 17, 32, 67 years old) of eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) forests… More
We tested the hypothesis that the date of the onset of net carbon uptake by temperate deciduous forest canopies corresponds with the time when the mean daily soil temperature equals… More
We used field measurements and Monte Carlo simulations of canopy gap-size distribution and gap fraction to examine how beam radiation interacts with clumped boreal forest canopies of aspen (Populus tremuloides… More
Net ecosystem carbon dioxide (FCO2) and methane (FCH4) exchanges were measured by using the eddy covariance method to quantify the atmospheric carbon budget at a Typha– and Nymphaea-dominated freshwater marsh… More
Terrestrial ecosystems sequester 2.1 Pg of atmospheric carbon annually. A large amount of the terrestrial sink is realized by forests. However, considerable uncertainties remain regarding the fate of this carbon over… More
This study reports the effects of long-term elevated atmospheric CO2 on root production and microbial activity, biomass, and diversity in a chaparral ecosystem in southern California. The free air CO2… More
Increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) are likely to affect the trophic relationships that exist between plants, their herbivores and the herbivores’ natural enemies. This study takes advantage of… More
We present a decadal (1994–2004) record of carbon dioxide flux in a 160-year-old black spruce forest/veneer bog complex in central Manitoba, Canada. The ecosystem shifted from a source (+41 g C m−2, 1995)… More
Seven years of carbon dioxide flux measurements indicate that a ∼90-year-old spruce dominated forest in Maine, USA, has been sequestering 174±46 g C m−2 yr−1 (mean±1 standard deviation, nocturnal friction velocity (u*) threshold >0.25 m s−1)…. More