The Arctic terrestrial and sub-sea permafrost region contains approximately 30 % of the global carbon stock, and therefore understanding Arctic methane emissions and how they might change with a changing climate… More
O Pantanal é a maior área úmida sazonal do mundo, com uma paisagem que consiste em um mosaico de habitats aquáticos permanentes e savanas, pastagens e florestas inundáveis e não… More
The Pantanal is the largest seasonal wetland in the world with a landscape that consists of a mosaic of permanent aquatic habitats, and floodable and non-floodable savannas, pastures and forests…. More
Surface ozone monitoring sites in the tropics are limited, despite the risk that surface ozone poses to human health, tropical forest and crop productivity. Atmospheric chemistry models allow us to… More
Tidal wetlands provide valuable ecosystem services, including storing large amounts of carbon. However, the net exchanges of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in tidal wetlands are highly uncertain. While… More
Understanding tree transpiration variability is vital for assessing ecosystem water-use efficiency and forest health amid climate change, yet most landscape-level measurements do not differentiate individual trees. Using canopy temperature data… More
Landscape drying associated with permafrost thaw is expected to enhance microbial methane oxidation in arctic soils. Here we show that ice-rich, Yedoma permafrost deposits, comprising a disproportionately large fraction of… More