Job Position: Research Scientist – Micrometeorology
This is a Scientist III position and will be awarded after successfully completing the Scientific Review Process (ARG).

Job Location: Boulder, CO

Compensation Min – Mid Range: 119,418.00 USD – 149,272.00 USD
*Final salary and rates are based on education, experience, and skills relevant to the role.*

For more INFO and HOW TO APPLY please check this LINK:—Micrometeorology_REQ-2023-275-1

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Job Location: Boulder, Colorado

This is a Full-Time, 5-year term position

Compensation Min – Mid Range: 103,336.00 USD – 129,169.00 USD
*Final salary and rates are based on education, experience and skills relevant to the role.*

More INFO and HOW TO APPLY in this LINK:—Micrometeorology_REQ-2023-274-1

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This GS-12/13 Interdisciplinary Research Ecologist/Research Meteorologist (ecosystem GHG and energy exchange) position is with the USDA Forest Service, NRS, Climate, Fire and Carbon Cycle Sciences Research Work Unit (NRS-06) and will be located at Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Durham, NH. As a research position, it has the potential for promotion to GS-15 or ST level via evaluation under the Research Grade Evaluation Guide.

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The Ecosystems and Global Change Group ( at Trent University jointly led by Prof Andrew Tanentzap (Canada Research Chair in Climate Change and Northern Ecosystems) and Dr Erik Emilson (Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service sector of Natural Resources Canada, is recruiting a two-year postdoctoral researcher to work on a project investigating the how fluxes of organic matter from land into receiving waters may offset terrestrial carbon sequestration as a nature-based climate solution. The postdoctoral researcher will quantify the amount of carbon lost from boreal forests into freshwaters by establishing two new eddy flux covariance towers. The research will involve tracing the flow of carbon seasonally from land into water and characterising the biogeochemical drivers and impacts of these fluxes.

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The University of Michigan Biological Station (UMBS) is hiring an Intermediate/Senior Research Specialist (Research Area Specialist Intermediate or Senior level) to support data collection and on-site management for the UMBS Ameriflux National Core Flux Site.

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A fully funded 4-year PhD position is open at the Catchment and Wetland Sciences (CAWS) Research Group (, in the Department of Renewable Resources at University of Alberta, under the supervision of Dr. David Olefeldt. Start of program is January 2023, or May 2023. We are looking for a talented student with interests in ecosystem greenhouse gas balance, soil biogeochemistry, peatland ecology, and Canada’s northern permafrost region. The project will focus on the use of eddy co-variance techniques to assess the greenhouse gas and energy balance of northern permafrost peatlands affected by wildfire. Field research will be conducted in northernmost Alberta at sites with established infrastructure.

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The Department of River-Coastal Science and Engineering at Tulane University, New Orleans, invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Scientist position in Ecohydrological Modeling of Saline Environments. The position will be centered on modeling climate-plant-water interactions in salt-affected ecosystems, with a specific focus on coastal wetlands and their vulnerability to sea-level rise and salinization.

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The Research Technician will contribute to the establishment of a new Arctic Carbon Monitoring Network, which will include the establishment of new eddy covariance monitoring sites across the Arctic-boreal region and coordination and support for existing flux sites.

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