The High Meadows Environmental Institute at Princeton University, in collaboration with UCLA and UCSB is seeking a Postdoctoral fellow or more senior researcher with a passion for studying the natural world, motivated to take on the challenge of improving our understanding of linkages between plant traits and ecosystem processes under changing environmental conditions. The position is available under the supervision of Dr. Matteo Detto and funded by an NSF grant (Award 2017804) for a duration of two years.

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Are you excited about improving model predictions of permafrost carbon? Do you like data synthesis? Are you looking for a Postdoc in a beautiful place? We have a new position to fill on data synthesis and model simulations to improve permafrost carbon modeling

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We are looking for two highly motivated individuals to fill two postdoc positions (Université de Montréal [UdeM] and Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières). Working as part of a larger team… More

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The Still Lab at Oregon State University invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher working on Earth System Modeling of grassland function and biogeography. The successful applicant will work as part of a large, interdisciplinary team to implement, test, and analyze a new, evolutionary approach to capturing grass functional diversity and biogeography in Earth System Models. The modeling work will be done in close collaboration with W.J. Riley at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and D. Griffith at NASA Ames Research Center.

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LLNL post-doc opening for an atmospheric boundary layer experimentalist in Livermore, California. We are looking for someone to conduct independent research using observations of boundary-layer meteorology for a variety of applications: quantifying wind turbine-atmosphere interactions, studying wind flow over complex terrain, atmospheric stability and PBL height, surface carbon and energy flux exchanges, and other boundary layer processes for national security applications.

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