The USDA-ARS NSAR Unit and WSU Laboratory for Atmospheric Research seek a post-doctoral researcher to quantify N2O emissions using micrometeorological methods at the Cook Agronomy Farm LTAR site in Pullman, Washington.

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Position Description: The Post-Doctoral Fellow (PDF) will participate in an exciting multidisciplinary research project supported by NSERC/SSHRC that aims to determine how different land management strategies contribute towards net-zero and… More

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2-year post-doctoral position based at NASA GSFC in Greenbelt, MD, to contribute to an activity to produce low-latency greenhouse gas flux emissions and removals data for carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide by training a suite of Earth Observations data on outputs from atmospheric inversions using AI/ML approaches.

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The USDA-ARS in collaboration with the University of Missouri is searching for a postdoctoral research fellow to evaluate climate smart agricultural practices. A full-time position is available located in Columbia, MO. The position will work in close collaboration with the Long-Term Agro-ecosystem Research (LTAR) network eddy covariance working group.

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