University of Florida is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral position in biogeochemistry (with special emphasis on C, N, and P dynamics) and GHG emissions in subtropical grazing land ecosystems within the framework of the USDA-LTAR project.

Main duties associated with this position are (but not limited to):

1. Field measurements of vegetation, soil, and GHG emissions as affected by contrasting fire and grazing management strategies
2. Design and execute soil, vegetation, and greenhouse gas collection plans for the various experimental sites at UF/IFAS Range Cattle REC
3. Field and lab measurements of plant diversity, and soil C, N, and P dynamics
4. Operate and maintain field equipment, including eddy covariance towers
5. Evaluate and synthesize greenhouse gas flux, soil, and vegetation data and produce reports, peer-reviewed publications, and presentations at scientific and LTAR meetings.

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  • Contact: Dr. Maria Silveira email
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