Lianhong Gu’s book review on Terrestrial Biosphere-Atmosphere Fluxes (2014), by Russell Monson and Dennis Baldocchi, is now available at ESA 2015, Book Review, Ecology 96:1736: “Fluxes as functions of ecosystems and drivers of atmosphere.” Read the review at
“Monson and Baldocchi, two accomplished researchers and admired educators, masterfully incorporate real equations into a scientific storytelling of mass and energy exchanges (fluxes) across the biosphere-atmosphere interface. As readers journey through this book, they find that in the magic hands of these two authors, equations change from daunting esoteric symbols to inviting vehicles of knowledge, therein facilitating a seamless progression of insights in an enjoyable reading.”
More about the book: Russell Monson and Dennis Baldocchi, 2014. Terrestrial Biosphere-Atmosphere Fluxes. Cambridge University Press, New York. xxi þ 487 p. $85.00, ISBN: 978-1-107-04065-6.

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