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Early Career Workshop Day (followed by AmeriFlux Annual Meeting)

We invite Early Career Researchers to join us one day early, and participate in a day's worth of events focused on early career topics. More info to come. This event is Co-hosted by The AmeriFlux Management Project The 2023 Annual Meeting Organizing Committee FLUXNET ECN The Remote Sensing Theme Year Committee


FLUXNET-ECN Seminar Series: Alana Ayasse from Carbon Mapper


Dear Flux communities, We are writing to invite you to participate in the forthcoming FLUXNET Seminar Series, a community event co-sponsored by FLUXNET Early Career Network, AmeriFlux Management Project (AMP), and members of the AmeriFlux and FLUXNET communities. In this webinar we will hear from Alana Ayasse from Carbon Mapper on careers in non-profit organizations,... More


FLUXNET ECN Webinar: careers and professional development opportunities for early career scientists

The webinar will aim to answer broad questions about preparing (applying, interviewing, reflecting on values) and thriving (research/funding, networking, community service and broader impacts, policy engagement) in atmospheric, terrestrial, flux and ecological science careers. This can include experiences in academia, community relations, federal and non-profit institutions. Hear about career perspectives in our panel discussion with... More
