AmeriFlux Townhall

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AmeriFlux Town Hall: What’s Next for AmeriFlux Science? (at AGU)

This is an exciting time to participate in the AmeriFlux network. AmeriFlux data are enabling climate solutions, informing better water resource management, and helping Earth system models predict climate with more confidence. A new generation of flux scientists are leading scientific discoveries. As we chart the coming years, what scientific, societal, and educational opportunities should... More

AmeriFlux Town Hall at 2020 AGU Fall Meeting


As of this writing in April 2020, scientists in many countries are working under stay-at-home orders. Although the AmeriFlux network has strong virtual connectivity and ecosystem flux research continues apace, 2020 brings a field (and education) season like no other. Therefore, in addition to popular AmeriFlux town hall activities, this year we are adding new... More