The training course will focus on the following aspects of land carbon modeling: · New theory on land carbon storage dynamics · Matrix approach to land carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus modeling · Data assimilation system with both flux- and pool-based observations · Deep learning and machine learning to enhance process-based research · Ecological forecasting
Five presentations from Early Career researchers will highlight the various research projects in the AmeriFlux community. The presentations will be held in Spanish.
The webinar will aim to answer broad questions about preparing (applying, interviewing, reflecting on values) and thriving (research/funding, networking, community service and broader impacts, policy engagement) in atmospheric, terrestrial, flux and ecological science careers. This can include experiences in academia, community relations, federal and non-profit institutions. Hear about career perspectives in our panel discussion with... More
Submit an Abstract for a Talk or Poster We invite proposals for contributed talks and posters for ESA's 2021 Annual Meeting August 1-6, 2021. The meeting theme is Vital Connections in Ecology. Abstracts are encouraged to address the meeting theme if appropriate, but doing so is not necessary. We welcome submissions from any topic in... More