Day 1 (November 2nd, 2021)
Topic #1: ET Partitioning
The goal of this breakout session is to discuss and synthesize the advantages and limitations of various field-based methods capable of evapotranspiration partitioning. It will start with a series of short lightning talks and followed by a guided discussion. The short-term goal is to produce a synthesis article discussing the pros and cons of different ET partition methods at the ecosystem scale. The long-term goal is to facilitate comparisons of different methods at common sites to quantify the convergence/divergence of the different methods and identify the underlying reasons. The ultimate goal is to recommend a standard method for ET partitioning across the Ameriflux network based on extensive site evaluations.
Topic Leads:
Lixin Wang, Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis
Koong Yi, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Day 2 (November 3rd, 2021)
Topic #2: ET Remote Sensing
The goal of this breakout is to connect everyone’s interest in ET remote sensing. We will present our interests and work, and document connections, potential collaborations, and possible goals and outcomes. The session will have a training component for learners on accessing and using some remotely sensed ET data. Finally, we will structure discussion around the 10 outstanding questions detailed in the paper, The Future of Evapotranspiration (Fisher et al., 2017).
Topic Leads:
Joshua Fisher, Hydrosat
Topic #3: In-situ water flux measurements
- Integration of sap flux measurements for upscaling T and ET partitioning
- Standardizing water flux methods for comparisons across Ameriflux sites
- Soil moisture water balance approaches
- New approaches (isotopes, etc)
- Partitioning ET within the flux footprint (canopy layers or by vegetation type)
Questions for sparking discussion:
- What methods do you currently use?
- What are the main challenges to advancing use of in situ methods for water fluxes at AmeriFlux sites?
- What key research questions can we address by combining information from in situ measurements with other approaches?
- Ideas for synthesis
Topic Leads:
Georgianne Moore, Texas A&M University
Justine Missik, Ohio State University
Day 3 (November 4th, 2021)
Topic #4: ET Modeling
The goal of this session is to discuss how we can integrate ET models and observations to examine and attribute variability in ET across temporal and spatial scales, and use eddy covariance and associated observations to improve ET models. We are particularly interested in fusing model and data to examine and attribute long-term trends of ET. We will also discuss ET model developments in general.
Topic Leads:
Xiangzhong (Remi) Luo, National University of Singapore
Kyle Delwiche, University of California, Berkeley