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Schreiner-McGraw, A. P., Vivoni, E. R. (2017) , Percolation Observations In An Arid Piedmont Watershed And Linkages To Historical Conditions In The Chihuahuan Desert Ecosphere, 8(11), e02000

Templeton, R. C., Vivoni, E. R., Méndez-Barroso, L. A., Pierini, N. A., Anderson, C. A., Rango, A., Laliberte, A. S., Scott, R. L. (2014) , High-Resolution Characterization Of A Semiarid Watershed: Implications On Evapotranspiration Estimates Journal Of Hydrology, 509, 306-319

Other Publications

Pérez‐Ruiz, E. R., Vivoni, E. R., Sala, O. E. (2022) , Seasonal Carryover Of Water And Effects On Carbon Dynamics In A Dryland Ecosystem Ecosphere, 13(7),

Schreiner-McGraw, A. P., Vivoni, E. R., Ajami, H., Sala, O. E., Throop, H. L., Peters, D. P. (2020) , Woody Plant Encroachment Has A Larger Impact Than Climate Change On Dryland Water Budgets Scientific Reports, 10(1),

Schreiner‐McGraw, A. P., Vivoni, E. R. (2018) , On The Sensitivity Of Hillslope Runoff And Channel Transmission Losses In Arid Piedmont Slopes Water Resources Research, 54(7), 4498-4518

Biederman, J. A., Scott, R. L., Arnone III, J. A., Jasoni, R. L., Litvak, M. E., Moreo, M. T., Papuga, S. A., Ponce-Campos, G. E., Schreiner-McGraw, A. P., Vivoni, E. R. (2018) , Shrubland Carbon Sink Depends Upon Winter Water Availability In The Warm Deserts Of North America Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, 249, 407-419

Anderson, C. A., Vivoni, E. R. (2016) , Impact Of Land Surface States Within The Flux Footprint On Daytime Land-Atmosphere Coupling In Two Semiarid Ecosystems Of The Southwestern U.S. Water Resources Research, 52(6), 4785-4800

Schreiner-McGraw, A. P., Vivoni, E. R., Mascaro, G., Franz, T. E. (2016) , Closing The Water Balance With Cosmic-Ray Soil Moisture Measurements And Assessing Their Relation To Evapotranspiration In Two Semiarid Watersheds Hydrology And Earth System Sciences, 20(1), 329-345

Mascaro, G., Vivoni, E. R. (2016) , On The Observed Hysteresis In Field-Scale Soil Moisture Variability And Its Physical Controls Environmental Research Letters, 11(8), 084008

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