BADM Type: Instrument
Description: Instrument Pairing Information
Group Entries per Site: Multiple
Last updated: Mar 02, 2021

BADM Group Overview

BADM variables in this group are organized as shown below. The overview highlights what variables are required per group. It also indicates which variables cannot be specified together ( OR ) in the same group entry. See BADM Basics for more details.

Multiple entries of this BADM group can be reported per site. However, combinations of variables must be unique. Read more:

Required Variable
Optional Variable
Instrument Pairing Information
  • BADM variables: Definitions, Units, Requirements

    See Overview tab or BADM Basics for explanation of Required and Optional variables.

    Multiple entries of this BADM group can be reported per site. However, combinations of variables must be unique. Read more:

    Required Variable
    Optional Variable
    Units Description
    free textInstrument pair comments
    YYYYMMDDHHMMInstrument pair date
    daysUncertainty in the Instrument pair date
    mThe E-W separation between the instrument pair (negative values: instrument 2 is west of instrument 1)
    Report the east-west distance between a pair of instruments used together to produce a variable as measured via GPS, tape and compass, or other method. Use magnetic north as a reference. For example, report E-W separation between a sonic anemometer and gas analyzer used to produce the variable FC (CO2 flux).
    mThe vertical separation between the instrument pair (negative values: instrument 2 is above instrument 1)
    Report the vertical separation between a pair of instruments used together to produce a variable. For example, report vertical separation between a sonic anemometer and gas analyzer used to produce the variable FC (CO2 flux).
    LIST(INST_MODEL) ShowManufacturer and/or model, or type of instrument
    Select from the LIST INST_MODEL the most precise definition of the sensor used. If it is not available in the list, please contact the regional network for support and evaluate the addition of a new code.
    INST_MODEL Options×
    DEN-OtherDendrometer - Other
    GA-OtherGas Analyzer - Other
    GA_CP-AerodyneGas Analyzer, Closed Path Fast Response, Aerodyne
    GA_CP-Campbell EC155Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Campbell EC155
    GA_CP-Campbell TGA100Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Campbell TGA100
    GA_CP-Campbell TGA200AGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Campbell TGA200A
    GA_CP-LGR 911-0001Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 911-0001 for CH4/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 911-0010Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 911-0010 for CH4/CO2/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 911-0020Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 911-0020 for CO2/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 913-0014Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 913-0014 for N2O/CO/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 913-0029Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 913-0029 and 907-0029 for CO/CO2/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 913-1054Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 913-1054 for N2O/CH4/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 914-0028Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 914-0028 and 907-0028 for OCS/CO2/CO/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 914-1012Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 914-1012 and 914-0012 for NH3/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR OtherGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research Other Model
    GA_CP-LGR RMT-200Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research RMT-200
    GA_CP-LI-COR LI-6252Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, LI-COR LI-6252
    GA_CP-LI-COR LI-6262Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, LI-COR LI-6262
    GA_CP-LI-COR LI-7000Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, LI-COR LI-7000
    GA_CP-LI-COR LI-7200Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, LI-COR LI-7200
    GA_CP-LI-COR LI-7200RSGas Analyzer, Closed Path, LI-COR LI-7200RS
    GA_CP-OtherGas Analyzer, Closed Path Fast Response - Other
    GA_CP-Picarro G1301-fGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Picarro G1301-f
    GA_CP-Picarro G2301-fGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Picarro G2301-f
    GA_CP-Picarro G2311-fGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Picarro G2311-f
    GA_CP-Picarro OtherGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Picarro Other Model
    GA_CP_SA-OtherGas Analyzer, Closed Path with Sonic Anemometer - Other
    GA_OP-Campbell EC150Gas Analyzer, Open Path, Campbell EC150
    GA_OP-Krypton HygrometerGas Analyzer, Open Path, Krypton Hygrometer
    GA_OP-LI-COR LI-7500Gas Analyzer, Open Path, LI-COR LI-7500
    GA_OP-LI-COR LI-7500AGas Analyzer, Open Path, LI-COR LI-7500A
    GA_OP-LI-COR LI-7500DSGas Analyzer, Open Path, LI-COR LI-7500DS
    GA_OP-LI-COR LI-7500RSGas Analyzer, Open Path, LI-COR LI-7500RS
    GA_OP-LI-COR LI-7700Gas Analyzer, Open Path, LI-COR LI-7700
    GA_OP-Lyman-alpha HygrometerGas Analyzer, Open Path, Lyman-alpha Hygrometer
    GA_OP-OtherGas Analyzer, Open Path Fast Response - Other
    GA_OP_SA-Campbell IRGASONGas Analyzer, Open Path with Sonic Anemometer, Campbell IRGASON
    GA_OP_SA-OtherGas Analyzer, Open Path with Sonic Anemometer - Other
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-800Gas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-800
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-8100Gas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-8100
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-8100AGas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-8100A
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-820Gas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-820
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-840Gas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-840
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-840AGas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-840A
    GA_SR-OtherGas Analyzer, Slow Response - Other
    GA_SR-Picarro G2401Gas Analyzer, Slow Response, Picarro G2401
    LEAF_WET-ElectResisLeaf Wetness, Electrical Resistance
    LEAF_WET-FrequencyDomainLeaf Wetness, Frequency Domain (Dielectric constant)
    LEAF_WET-OtherLeaf Wetness - Other
    MULTI-MeteoMulti-measurement meteorological
    MULTI-OtherMultiple measurement - Other
    PBLH-CeilometerPlanetary boundary layer height - Ceilometer
    PBLH-OtherPlanetary boundary layer height - Other
    PREC-OpticGaugeOptical precipitation gauge (measuring rain and snow)
    PREC-OtherPrecipitation - Other
    PREC-TipBucGaugeTipping bucket precipitation gauge (measuring rain and snow)
    PREC-WeightGaugeWeighing precipitation gauge (measuring rain and snow)
    PRES-AnerBarAneroid barometer
    PRES-ElectBarElectronic barometer
    PRES-MgBarMercury barometer
    PRES-OtherAtmospheric Pressure - Other
    RAD-Direct SW PyrheliomPyreheliometer (measure direct SW)
    RAD-LW PyrgeomPyrgeometer (measure only LW)
    RAD-Net radiometerNet radiometer (measures only net radiation)
    RAD-OtherRadiation - Other
    RAD-PAR QuantumQuantum sensor (measures incoming PAR, use this also if shaded for diffuse PAR)
    RAD-Pyrrad-SW+LWPyrradiometer (measure both SW and LW)
    RAD-SW Pyran Class1Pyranometer (measures only SW, use this also if shaded for diffuse incoming SW) - Class1 WMO
    RAD-SW Pyran Class2Pyranometer (measures only SW, use this also if shaded for diffuse incoming SW) - Class2 WMO
    RAD-SW Pyran SecStPyranometer (measures only SW, use this also if shaded for diffuse incoming SW) - Secondary standard WMO
    RAIN-OtherRain - Other
    RAIN-TipBucGaugeTipping bucket rain gauge (measuring only rain)
    RAIN-WeightGaugeWeighing rain gauge (measuring only rain)
    RH-CapacCapacitive sensor
    RH-DewPDew point hygrometer
    RH-EM_absElectromagnetic radiation absorption hygrometer
    RH-ElecResElectrical resistive hygrometer
    RH-GravGravimetric hygrometer
    RH-HairHyHair hygrometer
    RH-LithChlLithium chloride heated condensation hygrometer
    RH-OtherAir Relative Humidity - Other
    SA-ATISonic Anemometer - ATI
    SA-ATI CATI/2Sonic Anemometer - ATI CATI/2
    SA-ATI SATI A StyleSonic Anemometer - ATI SATI A Style
    SA-ATI SATI K StyleSonic Anemometer - ATI SATI K Style including SWS-211/3K
    SA-ATI SPASSonic Anemometer - ATI SPAS
    SA-ATI Sx StyleSonic Anemometer - ATI Sx Style
    SA-ATI V StyleSonic Anemometer - ATI V Style
    SA-ATI Vx StyleSonic Anemometer - ATI Vx Style
    SA-Campbell CSAT-3Sonic Anemometer - Campbell CSAT-3
    SA-Campbell CSAT-3ASonic Anemometer - Campbell CSAT-3A
    SA-Campbell CSAT-3BSonic Anemometer - Campbell CSAT-3B
    SA-Gill HS-100Sonic Anemometer - Gill HS-100
    SA-Gill HS-50Sonic Anemometer - Gill HS-50
    SA-Gill R2Sonic Anemometer - Gill R2
    SA-Gill R3-100Sonic Anemometer - Gill R3-100
    SA-Gill R3-50Sonic Anemometer - Gill R3-50
    SA-Gill R3A-100Sonic Anemometer - Gill R3A-100
    SA-Gill WindmasterSonic Anemometer - Gill Windmaster
    SA-Gill Windmaster HSSonic Anemometer - Gill Windmaster HS
    SA-Gill Windmaster ProSonic Anemometer - Gill Windmaster Pro2
    SA-Metek USA-1 FastSonic Anemometer - Metek USA-1 Fast
    SA-Metek uSonic-3 Class ASonic Anemometer - Metek uSonic-3 Class A
    SA-Metek uSonic-3 OmniSonic Anemometer - Metek uSonic-3 Omni
    SA-Metek uSonic-3 ScientificSonic Anemometer - Metek uSonic-3 Scientific (formerly USA-1)
    SA-OtherSonic Anemometer - Other
    SA-Young 81000Sonic Anemometer - Young 81000
    SA-Young 81000RESonic Anemometer - Young 81000RE
    SA-Young 81000VSonic Anemometer - Young 81000V
    SA-Young 81000VRESonic Anemometer - Young 81000VRE
    SAP-HeatDiss_GranierSap Flow - Heat Dissapation Method (Granier)
    SAP-HeatRatioSap Flow - Heat Ratio Method
    SAP-OtherSap Flow - Other
    SNOW-AcousticSnow depth, Acoustic distance sensor
    SNOW-AutoGradScaleSnow depth, Graduated scale (automatically read, including camera)
    SNOW-ManualGradScaleSnow depth, Graduated scale (manually read)
    SNOW-OpticalSnow depth, Opto-electronic distance sensor
    SNOW-OtherSnowfall - Other
    SNOW-Radio_isotopRadioisotope snowgauges (snowfall)
    SNOW-SnowPillowSnow pillow (snowfall)
    SNOW-SnowTubeSnow tube (snowfall)
    SOIL_H-OtherSoil Heat Flux - Other
    SOIL_H-PlateSoil heat flux plate
    SOIL_H-Plate_AUTOSoil Heat Flux plate, Autocalibrated
    SPECT-InterfFiltRadiation sensor with interferential filter
    SPECT-LEDLED sensor
    SPECT-OtherSpectral/Optical - Other
    SPECT-SpectRadSpectro-radiometer (also hyperspectral), including specific spectral bands and/or accessories (e.g., cosine diffuser) for specific radiation-based measurements (e.g., SW, NDVI, PRI)
    SWC-FDRFrequency domain reflectometry
    SWC-OtherSoil Water Content - Other
    SWC-RadioRadiological method
    SWC-TDRTime domain reflectometry
    TEMP-ElectResisElectrical resistance thermometer
    TEMP-IntegratedCircuitTemperature, Integrated Circuit sensor
    TEMP-OtherTemperature - Other
    WIND-2DSA2d sonic anemometer
    WIND-3DSA3d sonic anemometer
    WIND-CupAnCup anemometer
    WIND-HotWiHot-wire anemometer
    WIND-OtherWind sensor - Other
    WIND-VaneAnWind speed and direction, vane anemometer
    WTD-FloatWater table depth, floating sensor
    WTD-ManualWater table depth, manual system
    WTD-OtherWater table depth - Other
    WTD-PressWater table depth, pressure sensor
    LIST(INST_MODEL) ShowManufacturer and/or model, or type of instrument
    Select from the LIST INST_MODEL the most precise definition of the sensor used. If it is not available in the list, please contact the regional network for support and evaluate the addition of a new code.
    INST_MODEL Options×
    DEN-OtherDendrometer - Other
    GA-OtherGas Analyzer - Other
    GA_CP-AerodyneGas Analyzer, Closed Path Fast Response, Aerodyne
    GA_CP-Campbell EC155Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Campbell EC155
    GA_CP-Campbell TGA100Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Campbell TGA100
    GA_CP-Campbell TGA200AGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Campbell TGA200A
    GA_CP-LGR 911-0001Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 911-0001 for CH4/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 911-0010Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 911-0010 for CH4/CO2/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 911-0020Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 911-0020 for CO2/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 913-0014Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 913-0014 for N2O/CO/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 913-0029Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 913-0029 and 907-0029 for CO/CO2/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 913-1054Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 913-1054 for N2O/CH4/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 914-0028Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 914-0028 and 907-0028 for OCS/CO2/CO/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR 914-1012Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research 914-1012 and 914-0012 for NH3/H2O
    GA_CP-LGR OtherGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research Other Model
    GA_CP-LGR RMT-200Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, Los Gatos Research RMT-200
    GA_CP-LI-COR LI-6252Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, LI-COR LI-6252
    GA_CP-LI-COR LI-6262Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, LI-COR LI-6262
    GA_CP-LI-COR LI-7000Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, LI-COR LI-7000
    GA_CP-LI-COR LI-7200Gas Analyzer, Closed Path, LI-COR LI-7200
    GA_CP-LI-COR LI-7200RSGas Analyzer, Closed Path, LI-COR LI-7200RS
    GA_CP-OtherGas Analyzer, Closed Path Fast Response - Other
    GA_CP-Picarro G1301-fGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Picarro G1301-f
    GA_CP-Picarro G2301-fGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Picarro G2301-f
    GA_CP-Picarro G2311-fGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Picarro G2311-f
    GA_CP-Picarro OtherGas Analyzer, Closed Path, Picarro Other Model
    GA_CP_SA-OtherGas Analyzer, Closed Path with Sonic Anemometer - Other
    GA_OP-Campbell EC150Gas Analyzer, Open Path, Campbell EC150
    GA_OP-Krypton HygrometerGas Analyzer, Open Path, Krypton Hygrometer
    GA_OP-LI-COR LI-7500Gas Analyzer, Open Path, LI-COR LI-7500
    GA_OP-LI-COR LI-7500AGas Analyzer, Open Path, LI-COR LI-7500A
    GA_OP-LI-COR LI-7500DSGas Analyzer, Open Path, LI-COR LI-7500DS
    GA_OP-LI-COR LI-7500RSGas Analyzer, Open Path, LI-COR LI-7500RS
    GA_OP-LI-COR LI-7700Gas Analyzer, Open Path, LI-COR LI-7700
    GA_OP-Lyman-alpha HygrometerGas Analyzer, Open Path, Lyman-alpha Hygrometer
    GA_OP-OtherGas Analyzer, Open Path Fast Response - Other
    GA_OP_SA-Campbell IRGASONGas Analyzer, Open Path with Sonic Anemometer, Campbell IRGASON
    GA_OP_SA-OtherGas Analyzer, Open Path with Sonic Anemometer - Other
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-800Gas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-800
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-8100Gas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-8100
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-8100AGas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-8100A
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-820Gas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-820
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-840Gas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-840
    GA_SR-LI-COR LI-840AGas Analyzer, Slow Response, LI-COR LI-840A
    GA_SR-OtherGas Analyzer, Slow Response - Other
    GA_SR-Picarro G2401Gas Analyzer, Slow Response, Picarro G2401
    LEAF_WET-ElectResisLeaf Wetness, Electrical Resistance
    LEAF_WET-FrequencyDomainLeaf Wetness, Frequency Domain (Dielectric constant)
    LEAF_WET-OtherLeaf Wetness - Other
    MULTI-MeteoMulti-measurement meteorological
    MULTI-OtherMultiple measurement - Other
    PBLH-CeilometerPlanetary boundary layer height - Ceilometer
    PBLH-OtherPlanetary boundary layer height - Other
    PREC-OpticGaugeOptical precipitation gauge (measuring rain and snow)
    PREC-OtherPrecipitation - Other
    PREC-TipBucGaugeTipping bucket precipitation gauge (measuring rain and snow)
    PREC-WeightGaugeWeighing precipitation gauge (measuring rain and snow)
    PRES-AnerBarAneroid barometer
    PRES-ElectBarElectronic barometer
    PRES-MgBarMercury barometer
    PRES-OtherAtmospheric Pressure - Other
    RAD-Direct SW PyrheliomPyreheliometer (measure direct SW)
    RAD-LW PyrgeomPyrgeometer (measure only LW)
    RAD-Net radiometerNet radiometer (measures only net radiation)
    RAD-OtherRadiation - Other
    RAD-PAR QuantumQuantum sensor (measures incoming PAR, use this also if shaded for diffuse PAR)
    RAD-Pyrrad-SW+LWPyrradiometer (measure both SW and LW)
    RAD-SW Pyran Class1Pyranometer (measures only SW, use this also if shaded for diffuse incoming SW) - Class1 WMO
    RAD-SW Pyran Class2Pyranometer (measures only SW, use this also if shaded for diffuse incoming SW) - Class2 WMO
    RAD-SW Pyran SecStPyranometer (measures only SW, use this also if shaded for diffuse incoming SW) - Secondary standard WMO
    RAIN-OtherRain - Other
    RAIN-TipBucGaugeTipping bucket rain gauge (measuring only rain)
    RAIN-WeightGaugeWeighing rain gauge (measuring only rain)
    RH-CapacCapacitive sensor
    RH-DewPDew point hygrometer
    RH-EM_absElectromagnetic radiation absorption hygrometer
    RH-ElecResElectrical resistive hygrometer
    RH-GravGravimetric hygrometer
    RH-HairHyHair hygrometer
    RH-LithChlLithium chloride heated condensation hygrometer
    RH-OtherAir Relative Humidity - Other
    SA-ATISonic Anemometer - ATI
    SA-ATI CATI/2Sonic Anemometer - ATI CATI/2
    SA-ATI SATI A StyleSonic Anemometer - ATI SATI A Style
    SA-ATI SATI K StyleSonic Anemometer - ATI SATI K Style including SWS-211/3K
    SA-ATI SPASSonic Anemometer - ATI SPAS
    SA-ATI Sx StyleSonic Anemometer - ATI Sx Style
    SA-ATI V StyleSonic Anemometer - ATI V Style
    SA-ATI Vx StyleSonic Anemometer - ATI Vx Style
    SA-Campbell CSAT-3Sonic Anemometer - Campbell CSAT-3
    SA-Campbell CSAT-3ASonic Anemometer - Campbell CSAT-3A
    SA-Campbell CSAT-3BSonic Anemometer - Campbell CSAT-3B
    SA-Gill HS-100Sonic Anemometer - Gill HS-100
    SA-Gill HS-50Sonic Anemometer - Gill HS-50
    SA-Gill R2Sonic Anemometer - Gill R2
    SA-Gill R3-100Sonic Anemometer - Gill R3-100
    SA-Gill R3-50Sonic Anemometer - Gill R3-50
    SA-Gill R3A-100Sonic Anemometer - Gill R3A-100
    SA-Gill WindmasterSonic Anemometer - Gill Windmaster
    SA-Gill Windmaster HSSonic Anemometer - Gill Windmaster HS
    SA-Gill Windmaster ProSonic Anemometer - Gill Windmaster Pro2
    SA-Metek USA-1 FastSonic Anemometer - Metek USA-1 Fast
    SA-Metek uSonic-3 Class ASonic Anemometer - Metek uSonic-3 Class A
    SA-Metek uSonic-3 OmniSonic Anemometer - Metek uSonic-3 Omni
    SA-Metek uSonic-3 ScientificSonic Anemometer - Metek uSonic-3 Scientific (formerly USA-1)
    SA-OtherSonic Anemometer - Other
    SA-Young 81000Sonic Anemometer - Young 81000
    SA-Young 81000RESonic Anemometer - Young 81000RE
    SA-Young 81000VSonic Anemometer - Young 81000V
    SA-Young 81000VRESonic Anemometer - Young 81000VRE
    SAP-HeatDiss_GranierSap Flow - Heat Dissapation Method (Granier)
    SAP-HeatRatioSap Flow - Heat Ratio Method
    SAP-OtherSap Flow - Other
    SNOW-AcousticSnow depth, Acoustic distance sensor
    SNOW-AutoGradScaleSnow depth, Graduated scale (automatically read, including camera)
    SNOW-ManualGradScaleSnow depth, Graduated scale (manually read)
    SNOW-OpticalSnow depth, Opto-electronic distance sensor
    SNOW-OtherSnowfall - Other
    SNOW-Radio_isotopRadioisotope snowgauges (snowfall)
    SNOW-SnowPillowSnow pillow (snowfall)
    SNOW-SnowTubeSnow tube (snowfall)
    SOIL_H-OtherSoil Heat Flux - Other
    SOIL_H-PlateSoil heat flux plate
    SOIL_H-Plate_AUTOSoil Heat Flux plate, Autocalibrated
    SPECT-InterfFiltRadiation sensor with interferential filter
    SPECT-LEDLED sensor
    SPECT-OtherSpectral/Optical - Other
    SPECT-SpectRadSpectro-radiometer (also hyperspectral), including specific spectral bands and/or accessories (e.g., cosine diffuser) for specific radiation-based measurements (e.g., SW, NDVI, PRI)
    SWC-FDRFrequency domain reflectometry
    SWC-OtherSoil Water Content - Other
    SWC-RadioRadiological method
    SWC-TDRTime domain reflectometry
    TEMP-ElectResisElectrical resistance thermometer
    TEMP-IntegratedCircuitTemperature, Integrated Circuit sensor
    TEMP-OtherTemperature - Other
    WIND-2DSA2d sonic anemometer
    WIND-3DSA3d sonic anemometer
    WIND-CupAnCup anemometer
    WIND-HotWiHot-wire anemometer
    WIND-OtherWind sensor - Other
    WIND-VaneAnWind speed and direction, vane anemometer
    WTD-FloatWater table depth, floating sensor
    WTD-ManualWater table depth, manual system
    WTD-OtherWater table depth - Other
    WTD-PressWater table depth, pressure sensor
    mThe N-S separation between the instrument pair (negative values: instrument 2 is south of instrument 1)
    Report the north-south distance between a pair of instruments used together to produce a variable as measured via GPS, tape and compass, or other method. Use magnetic north as a reference. For example, report N-S separation between a sonic anemometer and gas analyzer used to produce the variable FC (CO2 flux).
    free textSerial number or other unique text string used to identify this instrument
    Report the serial number of the sensor in order to identify it in the future and relate it to the measured and submitted variable. If the sensor doesn't have a serial number, a number can be assigned by the PI and kept linked univocally to the sensor. A PI assigned S/N should start with either the site code or an acronym related to the institution (e.g. LBNL12345). It must be unique across the entire network.
    free textSerial number or other unique text string used to identify this instrument
    Report the serial number of the sensor in order to identify it in the future and relate it to the measured and submitted variable. If the sensor doesn't have a serial number, a number can be assigned by the PI and kept linked univocally to the sensor. A PI assigned S/N should start with either the site code or an acronym related to the institution (e.g. LBNL12345). It must be unique across the entire network.

    BADM Examples

    Choose a variable marked with to show examples of how to submit and interpret these BADM. See BADM Basics for more details.

    Combinations of variables must be unique.

    Required Variable
    Optional Variable
    Instrument Pairing Information
  • Click a variable marked with to see examples.
    No example currently available



    Many groups require DATE to describe the time period that the metadata or ancillary data represents.

    Dates should be entered at the precision known and most suitable to the observation. Supported precision include year, month, day, and minute in ISO formats: YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD, YYYYMMDDHHMM.

    Typical resolutions used for DATE are year, month, or day: YYYY, YYYYMM, YYYYMMDD.


    Uncertainty in the DATE is an optional variable that can also be reported.

    Report a date uncertainty that is commensurate with the DATE reported. For example if a day is reported for the DATE, date uncertainty should be on the order of days rather than months or years. If a year is reported for the DATE, date uncertainty should be greater than a year.

    Customize and Download CSV for BADM Submission

    After selecting your desired variables, download the customized CSV file for submission of BADM. For additional submission details, see BADM Submission Instructions. See BADM Basics for general BADM details.

    Multiple entries of this BADM group can be reported per site. However, combinations of variables must be unique. Read more: . See BADM Basics for more details.

    Required Variable
    Optional Variable
  • Instrument Pairing Information
    Required Optional
  • Submit completed CSV file at Upload Data using the BADM option (login required).